


2. Vocab

3. Blach 500 Information Sheet

4. Creating a SMART Goal

5. Force Notes

6. Fist of 5 Voting Method

7. PHET Lab - Force and Motion

8. Blach 500 Inquiry Activities 1

9. 'Nature of Force' worksheet

10. Wheel and Axle Share Out

11. Blach 500 Inquiry Activities 2

12. Motor Design Shareout

13. What is a CER?

14. Blach 500 Inquiry Activities 3

15. Blach 500 Race Directions


1. When you think of a force, what comes to mind? Draw a visual and label.

2. Find the net force of this object. Are the forces balanced or unbalanced?

3. What is Newton's 1st law of motion?

4. What role will friction play on your car? Which types of friction will occur?

5. Mrs. Narula is pushing a sofa east with 75N of force. The sofa is not moving. Draw a force diagram, write an equation and explain why the sofa is not moving.

6. How does elastic force apply to your car design?


1. Force - a push or a pull

2. Newton - unit of measurement for force

3. Net force - sum of all the forces that act upon an object

4. Static Friction- friction that acts on non-moving objects

5. Sliding Friction - friction that occurs when 1 solid surface slides over another

6. Rolling friction - friction that occurs when an object rolls over another

7. Fluid friction- friction that occurs when an object moves through a fluid (air, water, oil)

8. Inertia - tendency of objects to resist change in motion

9. Tension - a force that relates to stretching an object

10. Compression - a force that squeezes or pushes an object together

11. Newton's 3rd Law - for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

12. Action-Reaction Pair - A pair in which object A exerts a force on object B (action), and then the object B responds to this force by exerting another force in the opposite direction (reaction)

13. Newton's Second Law - The acceleration of an object is dependent upon two variables: force acting upon the object and the mass of the object.

14. Acceleration- The is a change in the rate of motion or a change in an object’s velocity (speed + direction)

15. Gravity - The force that attracts a body toward the center of the earth

16. Mass - How much matter is in an object

17. Weight - Object's mass multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity