

Course Expectations

Students are expected to follow all rules and guidelines as outlined in The Blach Student Handbook. Students are expected to:

● Come into class on time with a positive attitude and prepared to learn. This means being in your seat, quiet and with all materials ready right when you walk in the room.

Respect one another at all times. This includes the teacher as well as fellow classmates. Name-calling, physical harassment, or other disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.

Make an honest effort in class. This means participating, and producing high quality assignments. Keep your materials organized.

Respect the classroom and treat all classroom materials with care. There may be times in class where we will be handling dangerous or harmful chemicals, or using expensive equipment.

Cheating will not be tolerated. Any incidence will be dealt with according to school policy.

Students who choose not to follow class expectations can expect to receive one or more of the following consequences:

● Verbal warning

● Removal from activity and Behavior Reflection worksheet

● Parent phone call/conference

● Lunch GPU or Afterschool Detention


Every day, it is recommended for students to bring at least two pencils or pens, a red pen, a dedicated 3-ring binder (or a section of) solely for science, a USB/flash drive, and notebook/binder paper. Please contact the teacher or principal if you have trouble getting these items. Students are also encouraged to bring their own headphones for use in specific class activities.

Grading Policy and Scale

We will be incorporating a Standards Based Grading system into 8th Grade Science. Standards Based Grading reports on student mastery of different concepts in the class, rather than awarding students point values for each assignment they complete.

In this system, a score of 4 demonstrates secure, mastery level of the standard, and a 1 demonstrates a poor understanding of the standard. Some assignments that are deemed “practice” may not have a standards grade attached.

Test Retakes

Students can redo summative tests within a reasonable time window, with teacher discretion. Redone exams will be in a format agreed upon by the teacher and the student and will result in a full replacement of the previous grade for that standard. To redo an exam, the student must fill out a retake form and demonstrate that they have taken steps to improve their score.

Note to Parents:

You are a vital partner in your child’s education, and I encourage you and your child to communicate any concerns or comments you have about their work or progress in my class. Please ensure that your child is prepared for school by providing him/her with any necessary school materials, a safe, quiet space to work, and by making sure they get ample rest every night. I look forward to a great school year!