Human Impact

Question of the Day (QOTD):

1. How do your daily habits affect the environment? (8/26)

2. What can be recycled and not recycled? (8/27)

3. What environmental impact does a disposable water bottle have?

4. How much trash do you think you produce in 1 week (in lbs)? Do you think you produce more, less or the same amount as the average person? (9/3)

SSP#1: Human Impact

1. QOTD (8/26)

2. KTQL (8/26)

3. Vocab (8/27)

4. Syllabus (8/27)

5. HIP Guidelines (8/26)

6. Trash Data Table (8/27)

7. Life of a Water Bottle Chart (8/28)

8. Graphing Jigsaw Chart (9/3)

9. Data Analysis and Extrapolation (9/3)

10. Environmental Activism in Art (9/9)

11. Test Review (9/11)

Symbolic Art Slideshow Link: slideshow

Stop the slideshow at 7:30 since the music continues but the pictures don't.