Our Program

La Scuola Study in New York Offering.

The Academic Program: We offer the US Curriculum (such as English Literature, American History, Civics) integrated with the curriculum of a Liceo Scientifico Tradizionale(with latin), quadriennale, with the possibility of independent study or tutors for courses required by other Licei.

Classes are taught in English and Italian by professors in their native language; French as a modern language is also taught by a professor of native tongue.

Classes Available: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th grades - Fall Semester, Spring Semester, or both

Upon completion of the Esame di Stato, La Scuola issues a traditional high school diploma, legally recognized in Italy, the European Union and the USA, which allows access to Italian, European and American universities.

Students who decide to enroll in both the 11th and 12th grade (equivalent to IV e V in Italy) have the possibility of obtaining the Diploma of the International Baccalaureate (IB Diploma Program).

The academic program is enriched by numerous extracurricular initiatives with New York City, such as educational outings, visits to museums and places of historical and natural interest. There are also educational visits within the US national territory as well as recreational events (such as parties, dances, sports games), typical of an American high school.

The Application and Selection Process:

Preliminary phase:

In admitted to the Program:

  • you will receive the acceptance letter and will have to start preparing the documents required for travel and residence in the United States (see the link)

  • you will have to make the payment of the first deposit to be paid to La Scuola and book an appointment at the American Consulate to obtain the visa

  • before departure, you must have paid the entire sum to be paid to La Scuola

School Education Fees:

$ 4,000 per semester, or $7,000 for both semesters

Fee includes:

  • First Orientation for students (zoom in before arrival in the US)

  • Second Orientation for students (in person during the first week in New York. You will meet your teachers and classmates)

  • Support for the cultural integration of students in a foreign country

  • Advice of various kinds (cultural, educational) during the stay

See more examples of expenses

Housing in NYC / Our program currently has three options

  1. Dormitory on Wall Street, $2,900 per month

Services: Weekly laundry service (wash, dry, fold), Weekly room cleaning service,

Weekend and Holiday activities, Meals, Continental breakfast spreads in the dorm, Dinner at Upper School cafeteria

  1. Stay with your local friends or family

  2. Homestay Agency: stay with a local New York City families

Meals Included: School days: Self serve breakfast and dinner; Non-School days: Self serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Lodging: Inside Manhattan: Single private room, $2,400 per month

Brooklyn or Queens:

  • Single private room, $1,800 per month

  • Shared room with fellow La Scuola study abroad student, $1,400 per student