

Ms. Suzuko and Ms. Semanision's Math Classes!

rm: 147


Course Description: Math can often be a challenging course for students. My focus in this class will be student learning with support to help all students meet those challenges. This math class covers the Math 7 Common Core State Standards. The main topics will be Rational Numbers, Proportions and Ratios, Geometry, Statistics and Probability, and Expressions and Equations. The depth of expansion of these topics will depend on the particular class a student is taking. My Math 7 Accelerated classes will have the same topics AND will also include some 8th grade standards needed to prepare for algebra.

Required Materials:

Notebook/composition book

Pens and pencils


Textbook (consumable workbook/textbook) can be kept in my room. Students can pull out pages that they need for a particular night, when needed. Students are welcome to carry these back and forth to home and school IF they wish, but it is NOT required.

Goals: My goal is to have every student meet the prescribed State Standards for this class as stated in District policy.

Assessments: As the teacher, I will continually be making assessments of student learning and will adjust to assist students as needed. I believe that assessments are ways to see if students understand the material we have covered or if we need to work at it again. Even though I will be tracking progress, the students are also responsible for keeping track of their own achievement progress. Students will learn how to think about their own learning and track (with a 4-1 system) the learning in order to decided if more work is needed on a topic.

Attendance: I believe that the easiest and best practice for learning begins by attending class. If students are absent they can find the week’s class schedule and homework schedule on the board and on the agenda in Google Classroom. Students can check with me during lunch time to make up work.

Absences, Tardies: I will follow all school policies regarding absences and tardies.

Academic Integrity: I expect students to be honest and to do their own work at all times. I encourage collaborations in and outside of class, but the actual work must belong to each individual student. If students are caught cheating there will be a phone call home and a meeting with parents, student, and teacher. (In-person: Then on the students’ own time, they must come in and redo the work/assessment/homework under the supervision of the teacher.) The student will receive the grade that reflects their learning.

Hall Pass Rules: Students should get drinks and go to the bathroom before class and during our breaks! If students need to go during class, they must have a hall pass to be walking in the halls. They also need to sign in and out on the hall pass sheet.

School Policies: All school policies are in the student handbook, which can be found at the Los Alamos Public Schools, website: under the heading Rules/Procedures. I will follow all school policies in my classroom and online.

Cell Phones/Electronics: School policy states that cell phones should be in their lockers during class time. If a student has a cell phone in class, I will follow the school’s policies regarding cell phones.

Late Work: I accept late work and will allow a redo of all tests and homework assignments up to the end of a unit. I cannot accurately assess a student’s learning unless I receive work. As per school policy I will have to enter final grades at a specified time, and up until that point, I will accept and help with any unfinished work.


Classwork and Homework: 30% of your grade

Mastery of Concept: 70% of your grade

This includes assessments like quizzes, tests, projects, and any other work (including verbal conversations) that allows you to show me your learning and knowledge of a concept.

In addition, I will be leaving periodic individual feedback in PowerSchool; Please check the notes within this platform when provided.

Homework: Math requires repetition and practice. I will be assigning homework throughout the week that I feel is good practice for the subject we are covering. With our new block schedule, I hope that most of the learning can take place in the classroom, leaving time for extracurriculur and family time at home.

Self-Assessment/Self Evaluation:

We will go over homework/quizzes/tests as a class and as we do this, I have asked the students to do a self-assessment that is as follows:

1. Did I get it right?

a. Was it easy or did it take a lot of effort?

b. Can I do it again?

2. Did I get it wrong?

a. Was it a simple mistake? Can I correct it myself?

b. I didn’t understand how to do the problem.

3. MOST IMPORTANT STEP! How am I going to learn it, if I didn’t already understand?

a. Come in/google meet during HAT to see teacher

b. Ask a friend or tutor

c. Khan Academy

d. Google search

e. Etc.

After this assessment, I have the students give themselves an evaluation based on this scale:

4 – I can teach this

3 – I am confident I know and can do this

2 – I still have problems sometimes

1 – I really don’t understand what I’m doing

Parent/Student/Teacher Communication:

Communication and teamwork between parents/guardians, students, and teacher is extremely important in helping our students achieve their learning goals in this classroom. I will try my best to be available throughout the day and to return emails and phone calls or texts as quickly as possible. Students and their parents/guardians are free to contact me, through my work OR my personal contact information with ANY questions, comments, or concerns. I will occasionally be in touch with parents if conferences are needed or if I want to share positive news about students. Parents/guardians can check PowerSchool to see their students’ grades, or they can ask their students about their self-evaluations (usually circled at the top of an assignment).

Office Hours/Availability:

I will be available during lunch, if students arrange to see me then.

Work contact:

Rm: 147


phone: 505-663-2427

Personal Contact:

cell: 832-630-1779 (I text too!)