
2020-1-ES01-KA229 082206

LECLIC -”Living in the Era of Climate Change” is a two years international project which uses innovative trends of STE(A)M curriculum, Cloud computing and Competence Driving to raise students awareness on environmental issues and climate change.

Students, teachers involved in the project will reflect on the need of a behavioral change in their families lifestyle to mitigate climate change through the analysis of: the bidirectional relationship between lifestyle and climate change, the analysis of the current lifestyles and the quality of life of their European region, and making proposals on how they can change their habits in a big way so as to improve the current and future lifestyle.

The involved students and teachers will explore innovative STE(A)M curriculum, they will participate and create Virtual reality resources and they will use cloud computing (Google site, drive and eTwinning) for creating documents, presentations, fulfill assessments, communicate and share the information.