Reading Robot Winners

Meet our Reading Robot!

Children can win a token to 'buy' a book to keep from our reading vending machine. They are given for showing us a passion for reading at school and at home. Here are this half term's winners. One child is chosen from each class or English group. Well done to all of them!

Winners - October 2021

AM Nursery: Oakley Terry

PM Nursery: Izzy Kirwin

Robins: George Maguire

Owls: Anya Kryza

Penguins: Annabel Vickery

Parrots: Joseph Summers

Hummingbirds: Laila Perkins-Ossorio

Mrs Waterman: Samuel Gherghin

Mrs Lulciuc/ Mrs White: Eshaal Khan

Mrs Shilvock: Sunny Hackett

Miss Allcock: Shiana Khan

Mrs Francis: Seren Hartley

Miss Stevens: Ben West