Primary Years Programme

Learning at our Academy

At Langley Park Primary Academy we offer our children a unique learning experience that covers the national curriculum through an inquiry approach to learning.  

Central ideas

The children explore a Central Idea through lines of inquiry that will help to develop their understanding of the 'Central Idea' through smaller steps. The lines of inquiry statements are all linked to key concepts. These help the children to understand the direction their questions may go and what they want to achieve through their Unit of Inquiry

Key Concepts

Shown below are key concepts that drive the lines of inquiry.  Each key concept has a different focus: form, function, connection, causation, change, reflection, perspective and responsibility. They also each have their own style of question which shapes the teaching and learning of the inquiry:

What is it like?

How does it work?

Why is it the way it is?

How is it changing?

How is it connected to other things?

What are the points of view?

What is our responsibility?

How do we know?

PYP Parent Workshops/Mini Exhibitions

A reminder that our class PYP workshops/mini exhibitions will be taking place next week.  This is an opportunity for you to engage in a learning experience with your child.

The dates of the workshops are on the front page of the newsletter.