Golden Apple Winners

Seedlings Nursery 

Golden Apple

Seedlings Nursery

Well done to everyone in Seedlings that participated in our sponsored walk for Heart of Kent Hospice, you were all super caring and open-minded.

Great job, Seedlings! 

Apollo Class ~ Year R

Golden Apple 


For being an absolute superstar this week. Freddie has been super principled when it has come to his writing recently and has made incredible progress. 

Well done, Freddie!

Discovery Class ~ Year R

Golden Apple 


For being a risk-taker and more knowledgeable with her reading and writing!

Well done, Layla!

Jubilee Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple


For being a superstar writer this week! He has been a great thinker, applying his phonics skills to write a fact file about old and new toys! He just couldn’t stop writing!

Well done, Otto!

Enterprise Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple 


For being incredibly principled this week and making positive learning choices.

Well done, Samuel !

Jazzy Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple  


For being a good communicator and inquirer when researching about The Great Fire of London.

Great job, Harry!

Empire Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple  


For working extremely hard on her retrieval skills and being a risk-taker when reading trickier pieces of text.

Fantastic work, Everly!

Pip & Bramley Class 



Victor has made a big improvement in his comprehension work this week. He has shown great thinking and problem solving skills, and presented his work neatly. 

Well done, Victor! 

Fortune Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple   

Fortune Class

For being principled learners and risk-takers this week during their assessments. They have all tried their absolute best and I am proud of them. 

Well done, Fortune Class!

Pazazz Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple   


For having a good attitude to learning this week. He has been focused in his learning, working hard to showcase his skills.  He has shown he is caring this week when supporting his friends outside. 

Great job, Bernard!

Ambrosia Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple   


For always being a caring friend and helping others when they are hurt and for being knowledgeable and writing a fantastic non-chronological report on the Anglo-Saxons! 

Keep up the fantastic work, Antonia! 

Cameo Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple  


For showing excellent resilience with our DT inquiry this week.  You have tried hard with all your learning and your progress is shining through! 

Great work, Luke!

Melrose Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple 


For having a fantastic attitude to learning this week. He has been focused in our assessments and wanted to share his ideas in our inquiry lessons about his knowledge of choices and consequences. 

Keep this up, Adam! 

Zari Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple 


For being knowledgeable and showing dedication and hard work, which has been reflected  in her assessment results.

 Well done, Lacey!

Kanzi Class ~ Year 6

Golden Apple

Kanzi Class

For communicating well this week when planning their Young Enterprise Project. 

Well done, Kanzi class!

Braeburn Class ~ Year 6

Golden Apple

Braeburn Class

For being incredibly organised when planning their Young Enterprise Project. 

Well done, Braeburn!