Primary Years Programme 

It promises to be another term full of exciting learning opportunities through inquiry.  Here is an insight to each year groups learning.

Dates for your diaries - please see your child's year group for this term's mini exhibition/parent workshops.


Theme: Where We Are In Place And Time

Central idea: Our World Is Special And Is Connected In Many Ways. 

2. Relational - An exploration of our local community.  

3. Extended Abstract - An exploration of our impact on the natural world.

Stay and Play

Tuesday 21st May 


VE Day Celebration to be held on the last day of term. All parents and carers welcome


Theme: How We Organise Ourselves

Central idea: Great leaders help us shape our past, present and future.

1. Multistructural - An inquiry into seasonal changes. 

2. Multistructural - An inquiry into the roles in our society. 

3. Relational - An inquiry into what makes a good leader. 

4. Extended Abstract - An inquiry into how leaders shape our world.

Year 1

Theme: How the World Works

Central idea: Seasonal changes and the weather influence the features of our environment.

1. An inquiry into seasons and how we recognise them.

2. An inquiry into what makes up our environment.

3. An inquiry into how our environment changes depending on the season or weather.

PYP Exhibition

Thursday 23rd May


PYP Exhibition

Monday 20th May


Year 2

Theme: How the World Works

Central idea: Scientific discoveries may lead to further explorations and inventions.

1. An inquiry into the early development of flight.

2. An inquiry into how the properties of materials influence their uses.

3. An inquiry into how flight has transformed our understanding of the world.

Year 3

Theme: Where We are in Place and Time

Central idea: Ancient civilizations may have had an impact on our lives today.

1. An inquiry into an Ancient Civilisation 

2. An inquiry into lifestyle choices

3. An inquiry into connections across time and place

PYP Exhibition

Tuesday 21st May 


PYP Exhibition

Thursday 23rd May


Year 4

Theme: Sharing the Planet

Central idea: People interact with, use and value the natural environment in different ways.

1. An inquiry into interaction between humans and animals 

2. An inquiry into local and global impact of human choices

3. An inquiry into changes in the environment can pose a danger to living things

Year 5

Theme: Sharing the Planet

Central idea: Finding resolution to conflicts between people may lead to a better quality of human life.

1. There are many different causes of conflict

 2. Peace and conflict  affects all people

3. Ways to resolution may redefine society


Wednesday 22nd May 2:30pm

PYP Exhibition

Date to be confirmed

Year 6

Theme: Sharing the Planet

Central idea: People's access to infrastructure influences their lives.

1. An inquiry into the progression of the local area

2. An inquiry into the progression in the global community

3. An inquiry into a comparison of local progression and progression in other areas.