Golden Apple Winners

Seedlings Nursery 

Golden Apple


Nicky has worked so hard to be a communicator this week. As part of our inquiry into the local weather Nicky challenged himself to have a go at writing weather words. Great letter formation, Nicky! 

Apollo Class ~ Year R

Golden Apple 


Rosalie has been a superstar when it comes to her writing and phonics, being very principled. This week she produced an amazing set of instructions telling people how to plant a seed. 

Well done, Rosalie!

Discovery Class ~ Year R 

Golden Apple 


For being a consistently principled and motivated member of the class. He always applies his new learning in VIP time!

Well done, Samuil!

Jubilee Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple

Alaya and Amelia

For extending their own knowledge about riddles and creating their own riddles at home for the class to solve! You both applied your learning independently and inspired the whole class to do this too! Keep up the great work!

Well done, Alaya and Amelia! 

Enterprise Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple 

Charlie M

For applying his knowledge about capacity and volume, and being able to communicate this practically. 

Keep it up, Charlie!

Jazzy Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple  


Lily has taken risks in her learning this week.  She has attempted new challenges independently and has been willing to test her own thinking.

Well done, Lily!

Empire Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple  


For being a risk-taker this week and contributing lot of brilliant ideas to our class discussions in all areas of her learning.

Well done, Mia!

Pip & Bramley Class 



For being a communicator. You have written a great diary about going swimming. 

Well done, Enoch!

Fortune Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple   


Lacey-May has been a brilliant inquirer this week. She is really interested in our new line of inquiry about the Ancient Egyptians and has been asking some fantastic questions. 

Well done, Lacey-May!

Pazazz Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple   


Theodore has come back with a very positive and focused attitude towards his learning, showing what a principled learner he is. He has shown his knowledge and thinking when learning about fractions and civilisations. 

Well done, Theodore!

Ambrosia Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple   


For coming back into Term 5 with a positive attitude towards his learning, being principled and a good inquirer. 

Keep up the good work, Adam! 

Cameo Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple  


Eloise has been following our class target of being ready at the start of each lesson, showing that she is very principled.  She has worked hard in her lessons, demonstrating her excellent knowledge, which has also shown what a good role-model she is.

Well done, Eloise!

Melrose Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple 


For having an excellent attitude to learning this week. He has been a risk taker when sharing his knowledge of WW1 to the class and has asked questions to deepen his understanding. Noah created an effective timeline to communicate his knowledge in his book. 

Well done, Noah!

Zari Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple 


For her positivity and kindness shown to others, and being an excellent role model to her peers.

Well done, Precious!

Kanzi Class ~ Year 6

Golden Apple


For always working hard to achieve our class targets and for producing great quality work this week. 

Well done, Athira!

Braeburn Class ~ Year 6

Golden Apple


For working extremely hard in all of his work this week, especially when writing his narrative about D-Day. 

Well done Ricky-Lee!