Willow's Corner

Another wonderful week of learning has flown by! 

Mrs Dunn tells me that a special period of time called 'Transition Season' is about to start soon, where all the children start to think about their new classes for next year. Of course, I will be using my special skills to ensure everyone feels relaxed and at ease when transitioning to their new classes, but that does mean our current Year 6 children will be departing from the school. 

My Dog Mentor Monitors next week will be starting to work with the current Year 5 children who want to support me at lunchtimes next year. I know they will show the Year 5's just what to do.

My Class of the Week Award has been presented to Seedlings this week as I have been helping them to develop their communication skills by talking about vehicles in the past. I also have a special little helper in Seedlings who always makes sure I have enough Blueberries to eat, thank you Reuben!  

Have a pawsome weekend!

Working with Willow Module 6 Week 2