
Leigh Academy Langley Park is committed to creating a safe environment for our pupils to learn and thrive. The following information, which is also available as a paper leaflet in the main reception area, will help you to understand how we keep your children safe by telling you:

Our Academy

Any child should be able to go to school and feel safe so that they can achieve their very best. We would like you to be aware of the following:

The Parent/Carer

Parents and carers are the most important people to keep their children safe and as a result of this you should always:

Safeguarding Issues


The attendance of all children is monitored daily and significant absences are always followed up by the attendance officers. The Academy has an attendance policy that you should read and understand.


Our Academy has clear behaviour rules for the whole school community that must be followed to keep everyone safe and happy. We understand that children do sometimes fall out and this will be dealt with by an adult who will listen to the children involved and help to resolve the situation.


The Academy takes cases of bullying very seriously and will work with children and families to try and resolve any problems. The Academy has an anti-bullying policy that you should read and understand.

Health and Safety

Everyone at Langley Park Primary Academy has a responsibility to provide a safe environment for both adults and children to work in and the Academy has a clear health and safety policy that everyone must follow. Our Academy has fully trained first aiders to deal with any accidents in school.


The Academy recognises that technology plays an important role in the education of our pupils and is committed to safeguarding children in the virtual world. To support parents and carers, the Academy has an eSafety policy to help keep your children safe both at school and at home.


If you have a complaint about how the Academy is working with you and/or your child then please feel confident to speak with us. It is better to speak to us at the time of your concern so that it does not become a bigger issue. If you do not feel the matter has been resolved, you can raise your concerns with the governing body.

Child Protection

Child protection is an extremely important subject in which all of the staff at Leigh Academy Langley Park receive regular training. Our priority is to work with you but there may be times when we have to involve other people. Everybody has a responsibility to keep all children under the age of 18 safe.

Harm can be identified in four different ways:

Physical: This is when a child is deliberately hurt or injured

Sexual:     This is when a child is influenced or forced to take part in a sexual activity. This can be a physical activity or         non-physical activity, for example when a child is made to look at an inappropriate image.

Emotional:     This is when a child is made to feel frightened, worthless or unloved. It can be caused by shouting, the use of         threats or making fun of someone. It can also be when children see their parents or carers, or visitors to their                           home, fighting or using violence.

Neglect:          This is when a child is not being taken care of by their parent/carer. It can be as a result of poor hygiene,                                   poor diet, not keeping appointments for additional support, not coming to school or being left at home.

Useful Contacts

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss S Brading


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs K Neame

Vice Principal/Inclusion Lead

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs G Dunn

Assistant Principal/Year 1 Teacher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr S Dodds

Assistant Principal/Year 6 Teacher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs S Comins

Inclusion Lead/SENCo

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr W Ashenhurst

Deputy SENCo

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs K Carter

Pastoral Lead/Family Liaison Officer

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs S Jack

Office Manager/PA to Principal

Paper copies of our safeguarding information leaflets are available from our reception area at all times.