Communication Styles

How do you communicate to others?

We aren't talking about the means by which we communicate like: email, text, phone call, or face to face talks. What we mean by communication style is how your choice of words, attitude, tone, behavior, and body language comes across to others and how you present yourself to the world.

Communication styles




What's your communication style?

So you may be wondering what is your go-to communication style. You can take this quick survey to find out. All you will need is a piece of paper and something to write with. Read each question carefully and choose which answer sounds more like you. There are no right or wrong answers. Just be honest with yourself.
Let's check it out!

Got your answers? Let's score your answers and find out what your total means

Just in case you are a little confused. Here is what you do.

  1. Go to question one on your piece of paper and look at if you picked answer A, B, or C.

  2. Now look at the chart above. Go to question number one and look at the "point value" for the answer you chose. (example: if you picked answer A for question one, give yourself one point. If you answered B, give yourself 3 points. If you answered C, give yourself 2 points)

  3. Do this for all 10 questions

  4. Add up your total points

*NOTE: Your communication style may change over time as you learn different ways to communicate

Polite | Responsible | Integrity | Disciplined | Encourage