Staff Wellness

Self Care

We know this is a stressing time on all of us. We want you to give yourself permission to take care of yourself. It can feel overwhelming with everything we worry about and who we need to consider outside of ourselves.

When we we talk about self-care, we are addressing looking out for yourself socially, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. All of these things in our lives help form our mindsets, attitudes, personalities, choices and habits.

The Domains of Self Care

We are human; we feel, life happens, and we don't always have the best of days. This is a normal part of our human experience. Today, we want you to know that self-care is a great way to give yourself a break, kindness and compassion. The helper needs nurturing too. As cliche as this may sound, we can't pour from an empty cup. If you'd like some ideas, or want to try something new, take a look at the tips I've compiled for you.

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