
2020 Update to the Teacher Induction Program:

Students, staff, and community stay at home and continue with remote learning through the end of the school year.

The Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment is available to help answer staff and family questions about what and how our students should be learning during this unprecedented time. We have compiled a wide range of resources for teachers and families to access to help support ongoing student learning through the end of the school year.

April 6th - Students and Staff resume teaching and learning through a remote learning model.

Check out the Remote Learning Plans Website on the District Web Page!

*See email sent on April 1st with Remote Learning Plan-Teacher Guidelines or click link for more information.

Please send any questions to cia@lancsd.org

Be sure to visit your Coronavirus Teacher Care page for helpful tips, encouragement and laughs!

(Look for updates weekly on the LANCSD CIA website)