Objectives of Lakewood High School

To achieve these purposes Lakewood High School deems the following objectives essential:

1. To develop students’ knowledge, abilities, and skills in the various subject disciplines.

2. To provide various methods of instruction that meet the unique needs of students according to their intellectual and/or emotional levels.

3. To assist students in their selection of career directions; to provide them with the academic background requisite to attain their career goals.

4. To develop in each student the ability to identify and analyze problems, to comprehend relationships, whether academic or social, and relate these to his/her life in school and in the community.

5. To supply students with communication skills and sound study habits upon which they can build a foundation for continuing learning.

6. To give students, through experience and example, an awareness of the benefits of cooperation as a necessary activity within a complex society.

7. To enhance students’ knowledge and appreciation of America’s social, political, and cultural heritage along with the same for peoples of foreign cultures.

8. To develop in each student the basic skills to be productive citizens and to have an understanding of family relationships and personal management skills.

9. To assist students to develop a positive self-image and a well-defined set of values as a secure foundation for all future intellectual, physical, social, and recreational pursuits