Programs and Services

The School Counseling Program at Lake Placid Elementary  

School Climate

We work hard to create a school that is safe and supportive for all. This includes teaching social-emotional skills to all students, and providing additional interventions to those who need them. All students and staff are part of our school-wide positive behavior program called “Bomber Pride.” Each month we focus on a particular skill or theme. We teach and reteach how to use the skill, and celebrate moments when we catch someone demonstrating the skill of the month. This helps encourage kindness and connection among our school community. We also teach all students and staff how to recognize and report possible instances of bullying behavior. Bullying is defined as repeated harm with an unfair match, and should be reported to school staff right away. To learn more or to report possible bullying, go to our school website or contact us.

Classroom Lessons - Wellness Workshops

At LPES, all students participate in classroom lessons led by the school counselor designed to develop skills for social-emotional learning. Topics include listening, focusing attention, respecting others, self-control, assertiveness, empathy, kindness, gratitude, problem-solving, coping skills, calming down, positive self-talk, mental health awareness, and the importance of reporting safety concerns to an adult.  Lessons are taught outside as much as possible, and integrate experiential and play-based learning. These lessons meet the requirements of New York’s Dignity for All Students Act, Guidelines for Social-Emotional Learning and Development, and the NYS Commissioner’s Regulations on School Counseling Programs. Check out the "Materials from Lessons" tab for more information and resources. 

Transition Assistance

Extra support is provided to students during transitions, such as changing grades, changing buildings, changing school districts, family changes, loss of a loved one, etc. Anyone can request more support for a student, including parents/guardians, staff members, or students.

Support for Families

Assistance is available to parents/guardians regarding their child’s academic, social-emotional, or behavioral development, including help addressing issues that interfere with a child’s ability to be successful at school. Our school library houses a Parent Resource Section that has hundreds of books for parents, including books designed to be read to children on topics such as behavior, feelings, diversity, grief, learning, family changes, and more. We also help families connect with support provided by community agencies, such a mental health providers and social services.

For families in need of additional food or clothing, we offer a food pantry, snack program, backpack program, assistance with getting winter outerwear, and more. 


There are many forms of mentoring happening at LPES. We look for and create opportunities for older students to work with younger students, sometimes individually and other times whole classes will work together. Additionally, we have a program called Teachers Leading Children (TLC) Mentoring that matches staff members who mentor students throughout the school year. 

Primary Project & Playroom Plus Program

The Primary Project is an evidence-based early intervention based on child-led play that assists students in their social-emotional development and making positive connections to school. Our Playroom Plus Program is similar to the Primary Project in that both programs target students in grades K-3 and take place in our playroom with a trained Child Associate. The Primary Project serves students with mild to moderate delays in school adjustment, while the Playroom Plus Program serves a wider variety of students.

Here is a video about the Primary Project

Individual & Group Counseling

Counseling is provided at school to students exhibiting difficulties in the school setting, and focuses on developing skills needed to be successful in school. Short-term supportive counseling is available to all students on an as-needed basis. Parent/guardian consent is required for longer-term counseling. Information and referral are provided for students when mental health treatment and services outside of school are recommended. 

LPES Nature Trails & Outdoor Classrooms

LPES staff members have worked in collaboration with students, families, and community members to create and maintain nature trails and outdoor classrooms on our property. A wealth of research shows the many benefits of movement, fresh air, direct sunlight, and time in nature on the mental health and academic development of people of all ages. Check out our Nature Trails website with more information.

For More Information or to Request Support for Your Child:

Sonja Franklin – Principal

DeAnna Brown – School Counselor

Jessica Seymour – School Social Worker

Mel Frazer – School Psychologist