Letters of Recommendation

Why Would I Need A Letter Of Recommendation?

Whether or not you are going to college, it's a good idea to ask people who know you well to write you letters of recommendation. Many colleges require letters of recommendation, but that's not the only reason you might need one. Jobs, apprenticeships, certification programs, and even the military might request a letter of recommendation from you as you explore them. Develop some relationships and ask people that you trust know you well to write a letter for you.

Please note that if you are applying to college, some schools will not require a letter of recommendation and most schools will not ask you or allow you to submit more than two. Like many other aspects of the college application process, it's very important that you do your research before you start asking for letters!

If you're applying to college, you must request a Letter of Recommendation through Scoir. This will allow your teachers to communicate directly with the college and ensure that the college will receive the letter. Remember, even if the Common App or Coalition App prompt you to request letters of recommendation through their site, you still must request the letters through Scoir for them to be sent to your schools. There's more information about this in the sections below.

Letter Of Recommendation Etiquette

When requesting a letter of recommendation there are many of factors to consider. Here are a few:

  1. It's important to note that you should always ask your teacher for a letter of recommendation in person or through email before you submit the request on Scoir (more on that below). Your teachers will be getting many requests, and good letters take time to write. It would be very beneficial for you to ask teachers for letters of recommendation early to give them plenty of time to write them.

  2. Make sure you're asking for a letter from someone who will write you a good recommendation. If you aren't sure if this person can speak to your strengths, they might not be the best choice for a letter of recommendation.

  3. Some teachers will also want more information from you so that they can write the best letter possible. If a teacher asks you to complete something additional for their letter, please do not give them a hard time. They're trying to acquire all of the information they can to write you the best letter possible.

  4. Your counselors and several other teachers will require that students complete the Senior Brag Sheet through Scoir before writing a recommendation. You can learn more about that in the section below!

Teacher Letters Of Recommendation

It's recommended that you ask two teachers that you trust to write you letters of recommendation. In an ideal world, this should be done before the end of junior year. Teachers get many requests for letters so the earlier you can ask, the easier it'll be for your teachers and the quicker your letter will be completed.

When asking a teacher for a letter of recommendation, you should:

Whenever possible, concentrate on junior/senior year teachers. If not possible, go back to sophomore year.

Get at least one letter from a teacher in a core academic area.

Ask the teacher in person or over email first.

Supply whatever information the teacher requests.

Then request the letter in Scoir.

You can find more information and a step-by-step process for how to request a letter of recommendation and can view a video with these details using the links below.

Counselor Letter Of Recommendation

The great majority of colleges students apply to will require a letter of recommendation from your counselor. You do not have to officially request this letter, but you do need to provide some information to help your counselor write the best letter possible. This will be done through the Senior Brag Sheet that is detailed below. If there is something you definitely want mentioned in your counselor letter, be sure to include it there!

Senior Brag Sheet

It's good practice to prepare information to provide anyone you ask for a letter of recommendation. This should include accomplishments, activities, work, personal qualities, and anything else you think has helped make you who you are today.

The counseling department at Lakeland has created a Senior Brag Sheet in Scoir to help guide those thoughts and self-reflective activities. There are several questions that are meant to make you think about yourself and reflect on where you've been and where you plan to go. You are not required to answer every single question, but you should include as much information as possible so that your recommender can write you the best letter possible. You can access your Senior Brag Sheet in the "Surveys" tab on Scoir. It should also be present on your dashboard until it's finished.

While your counselor might not be your first choice for a letter, most schools require one from a counselor. You should plan to complete your Senior Brag Sheet for that reason. Teachers who you request to write you a recommendation in Scoir will be able to see your completed Senior Brag Sheet. Other teachers will not have access to it.