Parent/Guardian/Adult Resources

Tips for Children Dealing with a Difficult Time

Some Ideas/Tips for Holding Space & Discussions

  • Don’t overthink it - just hold space and let students know space is available if they need it.

  • Start with a mindful moment or moving meditation.

  • Use a feelings wheel (see below) and have students identify their feelings or help students focus on recognizing their body’s response to strong feelings and ways to calm down those feelings.

    • What can I do to calm down?

    • Who can I ask for help when I am having big feelings?

  • Remind students that their strong emotions will pass and if they need time or space to heal or process, that they can have that time.

    • Allow opportunities to reflect/express creatively (journal, write a poem, draw).

  • Reassure them that there are adults who can help, work with them to identify those they can go to in a time of need, and encourage them to seek out an adult they trust and are comfortable talking to.

    • At home and at school!

Helping Students Cope In Troubling Times

Step 1: Listen

Do not quiet or dismiss your child who wants to talk about what's happening in their lives. Let students express their feelings, share their experiences and vent. Consider letting them journal, draw or consider their reaction privately, as well. Give students time and space to react if they need it.

Step 2: Protect

Do your best to make students feel safe. Be honest, but remain calm. Remember to be aware of students who may be managing trauma or those whose lives have been touched by violence. Monitor reactions and recognize that trauma can manifest in a variety of behaviors, including anger and disengagement.

Step 3: Model

Help students translate feelings of hopelessness into opportunities to respond with productive action. Join them in brainstorming ways they could support others.

Step 4: Take care of yourself

Check in with your own feelings, prioritize your own self-care. Families bear a heavy burden in trying to protect and support their children. You may be wondering how to do this but only you know the answer, self care is different for everyone! (ideas below)


Feelings Wheel

Helpful Links

Kid’s Health: Lots of Information and Resources for Parents

Lots of Books Read Through Videos

Pete the Cat Books

Free Books online for PK-3rd Grade

Website on learning disabilities and ADHD

Service to help kids dealing with big feelings and anxiety

PBS website for parents with strategies for talking to your kids about several topics