Library Policies, Privileges and Expectations


The primary mission of the Burton Valley Elementary Library is to stimulate the intellectual curiosity of the individual student and to enrich the educational environment of the school by providing a comprehensive and up-to-date resource center that equips students with life-long learning skills enabling them to live as responsible global citizens.

Our goals are:

  • To support the academic curriculum with a carefully selected, well-balanced collection of traditional and electronic resources that offer access to information both within and outside the library;

  • To teach research, technology and digital citizenship skills and to support students in their research and technology use;

  • To inspire creative and critical thinking; and

  • To provide attractive, comfortable areas that promote a positive learning environment for every member of the school community for scholarly research, quiet study, collaboration and recreational reading.


  • Currently NO before school library visits (as of August 2021. This may change depending on guidance from admin.)

  • Monday-Friday Lessons will be scheduled throughout the day

  • Friday Open Checkout 9:00-11:00

  • 12:00-12:45 Library Open for Lunch Activities - No Check Outs at this time

  • Currently the library is CLOSED to students and parents after school. (as of August 2021. This may change depending on guidance from admin.)