Burton Valley Elementary Library ensures that students are effective users of ideas and information, empowering them with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in a quickly changing world as well as fostering a love of reading and learning. We are proudly a "loud library" and encourage our learners to be as well.
What's Happening in the Library
What The BVE Library Can Do For YOU!
BVE Library's Menu of Services
We do a lot more than just read fantastic books all day.
Do you need help with research projects? Using digital tools and resources? Digital Citizenship and Information Literacy?
Collaborating with classroom teachers, co-curricular teachers, staff, and administration in creating and instructing lessons is our jam. We have so much fun being able to help take some things off their plates.
Need a read-aloud for your class? Updating your classroom library? Small groups with specific topics? Just need something new to read? Supplement your lessons with a variety of books, not in your classroom collection.
We love encouraging reading and sometimes that takes some trial and error. We love to help readers find their "heart book", a just right book, that special character or series to devour, the new book that everyone wants, and to encourage the exploration of new, exciting facts. We're here for it all because being a part of their journey is one we don't want to miss!
We're here not only for our students but all of our Burton Valley teachers, staff, and families.
Thank you for entrusting us with this awesome and crucial part of learning.
Calling All Library Volunteers!
We have created a BVE Library Volunteers Website that has all your shelving questions answered based on the questions we have received. We know it's been a few years since a lot of you have been in the library and so many are brand new and we are so lucky and appreciative of all your shelving help.