
Job Opportunities

Application Programmers

Application programmers write programs for end users. Word processors, spreadsheets and presentation software are all examples of application programs. Programs more specific to a particular business would include customer information, accounting and inventory control. Application programmers typically write programs in high-level languages that are closer to the English language than to the 1's and 0's that a computer understands. Application programmers must be able to think logically and communicate with a variety of technical and business people.

The average Application Programmers salary is $62, 322 per year .

System Programmers

System programmers are more specialized than application programmers in that they write utilities and operating system software. System programmers are sometimes less comfortable talking with end users, but they must be able to communicate well with application programmers and other technical personnel. System programmers write code in low-level programming languages that are closer to the computer's native binary language, and they must be technically savvy.

The average Application Programmers salary is $77,837 per year.

Game Programmers

Game programmers write computer games that are sold commercially. Like system programmers, game programmers write code in low-level, close-to-the-machine languages so their programs will run faster and more efficiently. Game programmers also write code that drives the graphics of computer games, which requires an even higher degree of technical proficiency.

he average Application Programmers salary is $72,000 per year.

Web Programmers

Web programmers or developers design and build websites and the applications that live on them. They may build pages in HyperText Markup Language (HTML), a basic Web development language, or write more complex programs and routines in Python, Java, C++ or other scripting languages. The Internet is inherently a nonsecure network due to the variety and number of users and network connections. A number of the underlying data communication protocols that run the Internet are also vulnerable to hacking. Web developers must spend time building security into their programs, so a good understanding of information security is essential for a Web programmer.

he average Application Programmers salary is $62,970 er year

Software Engineer

A software engineer is a person who applies the principles of software engineering to the design, development, maintenance, testing, and evaluation of the software and systems that make computers or anything containing software work.

The average Software Engineer salary is $100,000 per year.

Database Administrator

Database administrators (DBAs) use specialized software to store and organize data. The role may include capacity planning, installation, configuration,database design, migration, performance monitoring, security, troubleshooting, as well as backup and data recovery.

The average Database Administrator salary is $81,000 per year.

The above information has been found using multiple online site as of 2017. Salaries are based on national averages and are subject to change based on location and skill set.