Academic Decathlon

What is Academic Decathlon?

At Logan, we welcome anyone to join AcDec! The United States Academic Decathlon® is a ten-event scholastic competition for teams of high school students.

Every high school enters a team of nine students:
3 Honor students (3.750 - 4.00 GPA)

3 Scholastic students (3.00 - 3.749 GPA)
3 Varsity students (0.00 - 2.999 GPA).

Each year the competition is centered around a different theme. Past themes have included Africa, the Civil War, WWII, the 1960s, and Medicine. There are Academic Decathlon competitions at the local, regional, state, and national level. Logan has fielded a team since the 1980s and has made it to "state" on multiple occasions.

Mr. Martin & Mr. Duffrin