7 Elements for Highly Effective Remote and Hybrid Instruction

The 7 Elements

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, most adult education programs moved to teaching remotely. No matter how much programs had previously been integrating technology in their face-to-face instruction, this emergency move to a virtual instruction model required teachers and students to develop and strengthen their digital literacy skills and knowledge of instructional technology tools overnight.

Through trial and error, experimentation, practice, and training, teachers have developed their remote teaching methods and identified the digital tools to which they turn in order to provide instruction. These methods and tools responded to how teachers taught in person and the ways their students were able to access remote instruction.

The Literacy Assistance Center has worked with teachers all over the country during the pandemic. We have provided workshops and coaching and have observed teachers while they taught. In our work to support adult education teachers we have distilled the methods and tools to 7 elements and 3 practices. These can support instruction whether it is remote, in-person, or a blend of both.

3 Practices

When teaching it is important to

  1. Strive for Presence

  2. Interactivity is Key

  3. Let the Students do the Work

The Before Times

What do you see in this picture?

How do you see/imagine our 7 Elements being included in this teacher's practice?

  1. Learning Management System

  2. Video Conferencing Platform

  3. Interactivity

  4. Feedback

  5. Content

  6. Whiteboard

  7. Assessment

Remote Instruction

What do you see in this picture?

How do you see/imagine our 7 Elements being included in this teacher's practice?

Hybrid Instruction

As we begin to move back to traditional in-class instruction, what strategies should we bring with us from what we learned during emergency remote instruction?