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Compilation of Resources

Compilation of Resources (Spring 2024).pdf

From Excellence email sent 8/1/2023

ADLA Guidance for Instructional Minutes.pdf

Guidance Instructional Minutes (click here for PDF)

While schools have flexibility in instructional scheduling to meet the needs of their students, the suggested weekly minute allotment should be used as a guide when making school and classroom instructional schedules.

Maximizing Instructional Minutes.pdf

Maximizing Instructional Minutes (click here for PDF)

Effective instruction ensures that each and every student has the opportunity to learn grade-level content, while simultaneously guaranteeing each student the support they need to learn it.  Central to effective instruction is maximizing instructional time. This resource was designed to aid schools in reviewing current practices and identifying areas where instructional time can be maximized.

2022-2023 Resources

 Below you will find links to the contents of this webpage for easy navigation. 
Resources - Contents 22-23

From Bi-weekly Excellence email sent 5/30/2023

Preparing for the 2023-2024 School Year: A Compilation of Resources (PDF linked here)

This list of resources can be utilized as you plan academic instruction for the 2023-2024 school year. Some are designed for individual use while others are best suited during engagement with grade-level bands or whole faculties. All of these resources have been provided to specifically support ongoing professional learning.

Compilation of 22-23 Resources.pdf

From Bi-weekly Excellence email sent 5/16/2023

Looking Back and Planning Ahead (Part 1 PDF linked here & Part 2 PDF linked here)

The purpose of this two-part resource is to guide a reflection on which essential skills were left unfinished during this academic year and how that will inform teacher planning and student learning in the upcoming year.  Your faculty may have engaged in this process last year, but it is important to revisit the process at the end of each academic year. 

Part 1_ Looking Back & Planning Ahead.pdf

Part 1

Part 2_ Looking Back & Planning Ahead.pdf

Part 2

From Bi-weekly Excellence email sent 5/2/2023

Culture of Literacy and Summer Reading.pdf

Promoting a Culture of Literacy Through Summer Reading (PDF linked here)

A summer reading program is an effective and exciting way to promote growth and literary skills through the vacation months. As the time of year approaches to design your summer reading program, this resource provides considerations and areas for review so that the program is created with a clear purpose in mind. 

From Bi-weekly Excellence email sent 4/18/2023

Recap of Reading Instruction Resources (PDF linked here)

Over the last two months, five resources regarding Reading instruction have been shared.  This resource was created to highlight the relationship between the various components of Reading instruction discussed in those resources, as well as to provide links to additional resources that support effective Reading instruction implementation in the classroom.  

Recap of Reading Instruction Resources.pdf

From Bi-weekly Excellence email sent 3/28/2023

Strategies & Routines to Support Reading Fluency.pdf

Strategies & Routines to Increase Reading Fluency (PDF linked here)

Fluency is important because it builds a bridge between word recognition and comprehension and allows students the time to focus on what the text is saying. Fluency is a learned skill that is refined when students are provided with consistent opportunities to practice daily.  Therefore, well-established strategies and routines during instructional time will increase fluency so that students can read a text accurately and quickly.  

From Bi-weekly Excellence email sent 3/14/2023

Building Vocabulary Skills Through Direct Instruction (PDF linked here)

Vocabulary plays a fundamental role in the reading process and is critical to text comprehension. Exposure to both oral and written vocabulary has a significant impact on a reader’s experience and ability.  This resource was created to provide an overview of the importance of vocabulary instruction, guidance during the process of selecting words to teach directly, and strategies that can be incorporated into routines that will engage students. 

Building Vocabulary Skills Through Direct Instruction.pdf

From Bi-weekly Excellence email sent 2/21/2023

Building Text Comprehension Skills Through Explicit Instruction.pdf

Building Text Comprehension Skills Through Explicit Instruction (PDF linked here)

Comprehension is the reason for reading and explicit comprehension strategy instruction helps students become purposeful, active readers who are in control of their own text comprehension. While the goal is that students become independent readers who understand what they read, this develops along a continuum. As they orally engage with authentic texts, pre-readers begin to learn comprehension skills before they can read independently. This differs from the use of decodable texts, which provide students with opportunities to practice fluency skills after explicit phonics instruction. As students’ fluency progresses, text comprehension strategies are steps that proficient readers use to make sense of text in all subject areas. This resource provides overviews of teaching and learning strategies that build students’ text comprehension skills across the grade levels.

From Bi-weekly Excellence email sent 2/7/2023

Decodable Texts in a Systematic & Explicit Approach to Phonics Instruction (PDF linked here)

A systematic and explicit approach to phonics instruction encompasses the many skills that all students need in order to become successful readers. This resource will define what is meant by systematic and explicit and provide information about the use of decodable texts, with emphasis on Grades K-2. A forthcoming resource will focus on other types of texts that should be utilized during instruction in order to build vocabulary and comprehension skills. 

Decodable Texts in a Systematic & Explicit Approach to Phonics Instruction.pdf

From Bi-weekly Excellence email sent 1/24/2023

The Skill of Reading_ A Shared Understanding of Language & Progression.pdf

The Skill of Reading: A Shared Understanding of Language & Progression (PDF linked here)

The discipline of English Language Arts (ELA) is the teaching and learning of the skills incorporated in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Teachers who are responsible for this discipline are aware of the depth of knowledge that is crucial for students to be successful.  However, success in other components of literacy (i.e. spelling, writing, vocabulary, comprehension) is dependent on reading skills. This is the first in a resource series that will focus on how students learn to read the words on a page. 

From Bi-weekly Excellence email sent 1/10/2023

Star Data & Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS): Creating an Action Plan for Struggling Students (PDF linked here) 

As teachers and administrators analyze Star Window 2 data, students who are in need of additional support will be identified. Through the frameworks provided in the previously-shared Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) modules and their accompanying documents, teachers can identify those students and create a plan for small-group instruction (outside of core instruction) that will effectively target the skills needed to access grade-level content. Note: It is recommended that this resource is shared out with all teachers if it will not be utilized during an upcoming faculty meeting. 

Star Data & a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)_ Creating an Action Plan for Struggling Students.pdf

From Bi-weekly Excellence email sent 12/13/2022

Faculty Guide for Reflection_ Start, Stop, Continue, Revise.pdf

Facilitation Guide for January Reflection: Start, Stop, Continue, Revise (PDF linked here)

As Christmas provides a natural break in the academic year, the purpose of this resource is to support the facilitation of individual and collective reflections on the first part of the academic year, including what has been instructionally successful and what may need to be revised while moving forward. This is an exercise in goal setting and will allow time to honor the voices of your faculty members and give them the opportunity to identify what they are working towards. We recommend that you engage in this reflection when school resumes in January.

From Bi-weekly Excellence email sent 11/29/2022

Writing Resource Series Recap & Implementation Recommendations (PDF linked here)

This resource was created for teachers with two (2) purposes: 

Writing Resource_ Recap & Implementation Recommendations.pdf

From Bi-weekly Excellence email sent 11/8/2022

The Writing Process_ Revising, Editing & Publishing.pdf

Teacher Resource: Supporting Students Throughout the Writing Process: Revising, Editing, & Publishing (PDF linked here)

This resource is the fourth in a series dedicated to the instruction of the writing process. Created to support teachers as they implement the steps of Revising, Editing and Publishing, it includes tools and strategies that will ultimately help students across the grade levels to independently compose polished pieces of writing. The October 25th resource was on Prewriting and Drafting (linked here).


The forthcoming resource on November 29th will provide a recap of this series, as well as recommendations for instructional pacing.

From Bi-weekly Excellence email sent 10/25/2022

Teacher Resource: Supporting Students Throughout the Writing Process: Prewriting & Drafting (PDF linked here)

This resource was created to provide teachers with specific tools and strategies as they implement the first two steps of the writing process with their students: Prewriting and Drafting.  During the elementary and middle school years, students need exposure to multiple tools so that ultimately they can effectively tackle the writing process independently.  

A subsequent resource in this series will be published on November 8th and will focus on specific tools and strategies for the Revising, Editing and Publishing steps in the writing process. 

The Writing Process_ Prewriting & Drafting.pdf

From Bi-weekly Excellence email sent 10/11/2022

(Website) Overview of the 5-Step Writing Process.pdf

An Overview of the 5-Step Writing Process (PDF linked here)

This resource is a follow-up to the Introduction to Writing Module resource that was published on September 27th. It has been designed to provide an overview of the five-step writing process (Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, Publishing) that will support students in creating readable pieces, and ultimately in creating pieces of polished writing. Subsequent resources in this series will focus on specific tools and strategies for each of the five (5) steps. 

From Bi-weekly Excellence email sent 9/27/2022

Introduction to Writing (PDF linked here)

While engaging in conversations with teachers and principals, it has surfaced that there is a need for support in the area of writing instruction.  This week we are including a module, along with its facilitation guide and summary, which will deepen your understanding of writing and how students should be provided with a range of writing experiences across the curriculum.

WEBSITE Module_ Introduction to Writing.pdf

From Bi-weekly Excellence email sent 9/13/2022

Faculty Activity_ Making Sure Each Child is Known.pdf

SEL Resource: Making Sure Each Child is Known (PDF linked here)

The social-emotional health of our students remains a top priority even as we move from a pandemic to an endemic way of life. The purpose of this activity is to engage your faculty in an exercise that will help to ensure that all students are known and seen in your school community through a connection with at least one adult on campus. 

Walkthrough Support & Tools.pdf

Walkthrough Support & Tools (PDF linked here)

Classroom walkthroughs, when conducted on a frequent basis, can provide valuable insights into patterns and can be used to support continual improvement.  This resource includes links to our most updated tools for classroom walkthroughs and observations. 

From Bi-weekly Excellence email sent 8/30/2022

Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Modules Facilitation (PDF linked here)

This resource is intended to guide administrators and their faculties through the process of engaging with the recently-published Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) modules. To maximize the effectiveness of this learning opportunity, it is important to create clarity and intentionality necessary for fruitful collaboration so that opportunities for improvement in student learning can be identified and executed. 

WEBSITE MTSS Modules Facilitation Guide.pdf

From Bi-weekly Excellence email sent 8/16/2022

Teacher Resource_ Cultivating a Growth Mindset With Your Students.pdf

Teacher Resource: Cultivating a Growth Mindset With Your Students (PDF linked here)

This resource was created to provide teachers with classroom tools that will help to establish a growth mindset among students. When students shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset they gain the confidence and resilience they need to be successful problem solvers in the classroom and in life. 

From Bi-weekly Excellence email sent 8/2/2022

Planning for the 2022-2023 School Year: A Compilation of Resources (PDF linked here)

This list of resources can be utilized as you plan both academic instruction and opportunities for social-emotional learning for the 2022-2023 school year.  Some are designed for individual use while others are best suited during engagement with grade-level bands or whole faculties. All of these resources have been provided to specifically help with professional development days prior to the start of the school year. 

Compilation Resource.pdf

This website was created for teachers in a combined-classroom setting. It is intended to facilitate the initial planning and implementation processes that are necessary for a successful start to the school year.  If you have already taught in a combination classroom, then the information and recommendations here may help you to refine your current work. 

A Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Modules

Access to the MTSS modules were shared in this week's email. These self-paced modules can be utilized as faculty professional development to support the implementation of a multi-tiered system of supports. Please refer to the email for more information.