
A yearlong professional learning opportunity

Cohort 1


Partner for the 2021-2022
Onward Institute

Confianza embodies the foundations of teaching multilingual students and the language and literacy strategies that lead to student success. They partner with teachers, schools, and districts across the globe to understand their context and needs, establish ambitious yet attainable goals, and develop a customized professional development plan to increase productivity, improve practices and mindsets, and address systemic issues of equity.

Sarah B. Ottow

Confianza Director & Founder, Author

Session 1 (August 6, 2021)

Onward Institute Agenda Session 1.pdf

Session 1 Agenda

Copy of Archdiocese of LA_Synchronous Session 1_ Starting with the End in Mind-Confianza's Teaching and Learning with a Language Lens PD Program.pdf

Session 1 Slide Deck with Confianza

Session 2 (October 8, 2021)

O4E Institute Session 2 Agenda.pdf

Session 2 Agenda

Confianza Session 2 Slides.pdf

Session 2 Slide Deck with Confianza

Institute Session 2 Slides.pdf

Session 2 Slide Deck with O4E

Session 3 (January 21, 2022)

Session 3 O4E Agenda.pdf

Session 3 Agenda

Confianza Session 3 Slides.pdf

Session 3 Slide Deck with Confianza

Institute Session 3 Slides.pdf

Session 3 Slide Deck with O4E

Session 4 (May 6, 2022)

Confianza Session 4 Slides.pdf

Session 4 Slide Deck with Confianza

Institute Session 4 Slides.pdf

Session 4 Slide Deck with O4E

Onward Institute Resources


Sample Action Cycle (Session 2)

Independent Learning_ Language Planning Tool.pdf

Independent Learning: Language Planning Tool (Session 2)

Task or Assessment Makeover.pdf

Task or Assessment Makeover (Session 3)

O4E Institute Cohort 1 Resource Roundup

Institute Resource Round Up (Session 4)