How It All Began

Love of Pop-up Books

When I was in first grade, I had several health issues, one of which had me in the hospital for two weeks (and then home for another month to recover). While I was in the hospital, I received the pop-up book pictured at left. I loved how things came out from the page, how I could move things across the page, and even how I could change how something looked by turning a paper dial between pages. Ever since then, I have enjoyed pop-up books.

48 Years Later...

Attending a production at The Kennedy Center a few years ago, I saw this pop-up book. I was drawn in and had to open it up. I loved how the snowflakes came off the pages, but there was more to the book than just the snowflakes. Biographical information about Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley was included as well. I knew this story! A magazine biographical article is included in our literature textbook, and I have taught biography with it several times. The proverbial lightbulb went off in my head, and I had the idea to combine research with biography and include something more than just another essay for students to write.