Building Background & Skills

Student Directions

For this project, you will learn about the steps required to conduct some research before conducting research on a person of your choice. You will then take the biographical information you obtain, determine the most important and most interesting information, and create text and pop-up artwork to help convey the information. All of the information will be put together into a short pop-up book (no more than three pages) and will be shared with your peers in a "gallery walk" type of experience.

The following blocks would be completed by students in order from left to right. The final task in building background knowledge and skills is "Plagiarism & Citing Sources."

Biography & Research Introduction

Biography Resource Websites

Review information from the following sites to view several biographies in order to help you consider possibilities of items to include in your own biography. 

If you have not yet selected a person to research, these sites contain many possible candidates for your consideration. Remember: you will need to include some "pop-up" artwork/graphics for the person you select, so keep that in mind as you reflect on your choice.


Martin Meylin Media Center Research Links

Mr. Nussbaum People Biographies

Infoplease: biographies

Time: 100 Most Influential of 2020

4000 Years of Women in Science

Biography Pop-Up Book Subject Selection

PCTELA 2022/2023 Biography Pop-Up Book Subject Selection

Discovery Education Video on Biography Writing

Plagiarism & Citing Sources