
Student Directions Page Found Between the Research Steps and the Construction

You've researched, organized, and written information regrading the person you've selected to create a biography pop-up book.

 Now, is the time to start putting things together.

Creating the Pop-Up Book

Here are a couple different links to aid in your construction of your pop-up book. The top two links are similar; the only difference is that the second link contains some video of each step rather than just a still photograph.

Follow the step-by-step directions in either of the links in order to plan, create, and put together your pop-up book.

Pop-up Book Step-by-Step Directions

Pop-up Book Directions with Video from wikiHow

Making Pop-up Book Flaps for Hiding Objects

Making Pop-up Book Tabs for Movement

Supplies for your book (paper, rulers, scissors, markers, colored pencils, glue sticks) are available at the front of the room. Feel free to check out Mrs. D'Agostino's and some former students' sample books for inspiration and help to see how the book is made.

Hints: Your tabs for the pop-up elements should be no longer than 5 cm and no wider than 2 cm. Pictures should be large enough that they'll be readily visible when pages are open, but not too large that they will stick out of the closed book (Mrs. D'Agostino's book's pictures are a little smaller than she would like). All of your pictures should be able to be drawn on one sheet of paper.

Please ask any questions you may have, but have fun with the construction of your book and be creative!

DO NOT move on to the next assignment until your book is completely finished. Thank you!

Pop-up Book Reflection

You've completed your own biography pop-up book!

Now that the project is done, I would like you to reflect on the experience. You will use the "Submit Assignment" and then the "Create" tab to answer the following questions (feel free to copy them, paste them into the assignment, and then answer thoroughly).

"The research was long and took a lot of effort. However, I was extremely proud of my final book and think the work was worth it."

"I found that actually coming up with a creative way of expressing your idea in pictures was challenging but also fun."

"I got to research whoever I wanted and find new facts about someone."