Week 4 Tasks

📗Things I Love About School📗

There are many ways that I love school. If you could go to my school you would love it here. My school makes me feel safe. The teachers are so nice and they have you learn in fun ways. Three things I love about my school are green screen videos, SSD Eagle, and Genius Hour.

One reason is that, we do these videos called greenscreans. It is a green sheet and you get to add your own backgrounds and make a video so you can teach others. When you do greenscreen you need to have the app called, "Greenscreen". When you do greenscreen, be creative and make amazing videos.

Another reason is that, we have a service dog in one of my classrooms. His name is Eagle, and he is a Yellow Labredor Retriever. He helps with students that have disabilities, emotional problems, help people stay focus better and many more ways. He makes people feel like they have a friend that can help you get over your problems throughout the day. He is one of the schools' service dog.

A third reason why I love school is, "Genious Hour". Genious Hour is when people have full band and orchestra and the people that don't play an instrument get to do a presentation on baking and they acually get to come in with the thing they baked, but there are a lot of other things you can do. For the Genious Hour now my group is making cake/brownie pops. When we present my group will give important details on how to make them.

I love school because of our amazing teachers, and the amazing things we do. I love how our teachers and our school keeps us safe.

Natalie 2018-19 Informative Writing Rubric.docx