Trimester 1

Hogg, Jake Master T1 Reflection

My ELA goal for T1 is to read 3 to 400 pages by the end of T1. I will achive this goal by doing my book club work.

My Math goal for T1 is to get to 20% or 30% on ST Math. I will achive this goal by doing 20 or 15 min of ST Math 2 days a week.

My writing goal for T1 is to be able to write a really good 5 or 6 paraghraph essey by the end of T1. I will achive this goal by staying focused and completing writing pecies on time.

My content goal for T1 is to make some kind of creation that can float in water. I will achive this this goal by trying my best to successed in the barge project.

Hogg, Jake Responsible Learner Rubric

Math Artifacts

I chose my math test because I did really good on it, and it was a big part of math for me because I got all p's on adding and subtracting fractions indepentently,

I chose my mystery fraction because I really like equivelent fractions and fractions in genaral.

I chose my doubling and tripleing collabritve project because it was a challenge when we had to double and triple the recipeies we had to add and not multiply.

Gingerbread Men Recipe

Writing Artifacts

Copy of Hogg, Jake Paragraph Development

I chose my stoplight paragraph because it helped me improve my writing, and helps me complete my writing goal.

I chose my interview questions because it helps in the real world or if I ever wanted to become somebody who interviews people.

I chose my service dog writing peice because it helps me get closer to achiving my writing goal.

I chose my Genus Hour project because it was a very inportant par of the class.

Service Dogs
Hogg, Jake Intrerview
Penn state
Service Dogs

Reading Artifacts

I chose my Math Mosaic project because the end result turned out way better than I thought.

I chose my Book Club poster because i'm proud of the it turned out and I really like the book I made the poster about.

Protfolio pick 2

I chose my Greek Gods slide show because I think it's really funny, but also a really good Google slide.

I chose my book club book because it was super fun, and I encuorege people to do book club.

Hogg, Jake Reading Log 2018-19

Science Artifacts

I chose my Hallaween STEM challenge because I really enjoyed the STEM project because it was a difficult task, but fun activity.

I chose my Reading Log because it was important part of my reading homework just like my book club.