Week 7 Tasks

My Favorite Holiday, Halloween

By: Jake

What is Halloween?

To start off, Halloween is scary holiday. Halloween is when you dress up in anything you want it's usually scary though, and go around neighborhoods to get candy from house to house. Going house to house to get candy is called Trick or Treating. Trick or Treating usually starts at 6:00 pm eastern time. So now you know what Halloween is. Also, you carve pumpkins into anything you want.

Why Halloween is My Favorite

For several reasons Halloween is my favorite Holiday, here's two; I get to dress as scary as I want, and It's usually the perfect weather. The only problem is that I have school on Halloween day. I also like Halloween so much because, I can Trick or Treat with my friends in my neighborhood. That's why I love Halloween.

Carving Pumpkins

Another huge part of Halloween is carving pumpkins! When you carve a pumpkin you find an image you want to carve, and then get cutting supplies. Then you carve! When you're all done carving you put your pumpkin out on your porch.


By: Jake

What is Easter?

To start off Easter is a celebration to when God came back to life after he died. Some believe, adults hide plastic Easter eggs for their kids to find. Others believe, that an Easter Bunny does. Some adults, play Easter games! Now you know what Easter is about!

Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny is a huge part of Easter, and the Holidays' mascot. To the littler kids, the Easter Bunny is a big, pink & white, fluffy bunny that goes house to house, to deliver Easter baskets to small children. The Easter Bunny also lays the plastic eggs around your house filled with money, candy, and good stuff like that. So now you know, what the Easter Bunny is.

Why Eater Is My Second Favorite Holiday

Easter is one of my favorite holidays because, It's in the Spring so It's usually really warm outside when I do the Easter egg hunt. Also, I get to see my whole family, which I really enjoy and enjoy doing. Lastly, I get a whole basket of toys, candy, earbuds, cloths, and things like that. So I hope you now know everything about Easter, and maybe think about celebrating Easter. Happy Late Easter!