本校積極運用各類電子教育平台促進學生的學習及以電子化方式處理學生的日常事務,例如採用電子通告及電子收費,以方便家長處理學生日常事務的程序。在學習方面,學校統一使用 Microsoft Teams 系統作為網上視像課堂、教材及功課交收的網上平台。另外,本校亦為學生購入英文及中文電子閱讀網上資源,讓他們能便捷地在網上進行閱讀,以擴闊他們的閱讀量及培養他們有持續閱讀的習慣。

Our school actively utilises various electronic platforms to promote digital learning, including using Microsoft Teams as a standardised online platform for video classes, teaching materials, and homework submission. Additionally, we provide online English and Chinese reading resources to encourage our students to develop a sustained reading habit and to expand their reading volume. We also use electronic platforms for daily student affairs, such as electronic notices and payment, to make it more convenient for parents to manage their child's affairs.