4th Grade

Lesson 1: Private and Personal Information

Students learn about what information is safe to share online and what should be left private.

Standards: 4.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly

Learning Targets: I can identify the reasons why people share information about themselves online. I can explain the differences between private and personal information. I can explain why it is risky to share private information online.

What information about you is OK to share online?

  1. Watch Video 1

  2. Watch YouTube Video “Private and Personal Information”

  3. Watch Video 2

  4. Complete Grade 4 Private and Personal Information Exit Ticket

  5. Watch Video 3

  6. Complete Private and Personal Information Quiz

Optional, click Share Jumper Link and practice identifying private and personal information.

Success Criteria: Students will identify reasons why people share information online through a collaborative game. Students will watch a video and participate in another game to identify information that is private and personal. Students will complete an exit ticket to demonstrate their understanding of how risky it is to share private information about themselves online.

Lesson 2: Super Digital Citizen

Students learn about cyberbullying and appropriate ways to take action and resolve conflicts.

Standards: 4.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly

Learning Targets: I can reflect on the characteristics that make someone an upstanding digital citizen. I can recognize what cyberbullying is. I can show ways to be an upstander by creating a digital citizenship superhero comic strip.

How can we be upstanders when we see cyberbullying?

  1. Watch Video 1

  2. Watch YouTube Video “Super Digital Citizen”

  3. Watch Video 2

  4. Complete What Would A Super Digital Citizen Do Handout

  5. Watch Video 3

  6. Complete Be A Super Digital Superhero Handout Handout and comic strip

  7. Watch Video 4

  8. Complete Grade 4 Be A Super Digital Citizen Quiz

Optional - Play “E-Volve” game

Success Criteria: Students will discuss the characteristics of an upstanding digital citizen. Students will recognize what cyberbullying is and how to stand up to cyberbullies by reading scenarios and responding with ideas for being an upstander. Students will create a digital superhero and comic strip to demonstrate how to be an upstander.

Lesson 3: Our Online Tracks
Students explore how online activity affects the digital footprints of ourselves and others.

Standards: 4.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly

Learning Targets: I can define the term "digital footprint" and identify the online activities that contribute to it. I can identify ways I am in control of my digital footprint. I will understand what responsibilities I have for the digital footprints of myself and others.

How does our online activity affect the digital footprint of ourselves and others?

  1. Watch Video 1

  2. “Play Digital Passport by Common Sense Education Share Jumper Link - 10 minutes

  3. Watch Video 2

  4. Watch Video 3

  5. Complete Grade 4 - Our Online Tracks Camilla’s Footprint Student Handout

  6. Watch Video 4

  7. Complete Responsibility Think Sheet

  8. Complete Our Online Tracks Quiz

Success Criteria: Students will define the term digital footprint and identify ways they are in control of their digital footprint by playing Share Jumper and completing the Footprint Student Handout. Students will practice their responsibilities while they are online by completing the Responsibility Think Sheet.