3rd Grade

Lesson 1: Power of Words

Students learn strategies for what to do when they encounter mean or hurtful language on the internet.

Standards: SL.2 Students can determine the main ideas and details from a text read aloud and information presented in diverse media

Learning Targets:

  • Understand that it’s important to think about the words we use because everyone interprets things differently.

  • Identify ways to respond to mean words online, using S-T-O-P.

  • Decide what kinds of statements are OK to say online and which are not.

Learning Activities: Watch the video lesson The Power of Words. Students will be instructed to think and respond throughout the lesson about what they should do when someone uses mean or hurtful language on the internet. Students will decide which phrases are ok and not ok to send online.

Success Criteria: Students are able to answer 3 questions at the end of the lesson.

Lesson 2: Is Seeing Believing

Students learn that photos and videos can be altered digitally and discuss critical questions to think about when viewing photos and videos Online.

Standards: SL.2 Students can determine the main ideas and details from a text read aloud and information presented in diverse media

Learning Targets:

  • Recognize that photos and videos can be altered digitally.

  • Identify different reasons why someone might alter a photo or video.

  • Analyze altered photos and videos to try to determine why.

Learning Activities: Watch the video lesson Is Seeing is Believing. Students will learn about what it means to digitally alter an image or a video. With teacher guidance, the students will analyze a variety of online images and videos and will use critical questions to determine if and why an image/video has been altered.

Success Criteria: Students are able to utilize critical questions to determine if an image has been altered.

Lesson 3: Rings of Responsibility
Students examine both in-person and online responsibilities and how for themselves, their communities, and their world.

Standards: SL.2 Students can determine the main ideas and details from a text read aloud and information presented in diverse media

Learning Targets: Students will be able to:

  • Examine both in-person and online responsibilities.

  • Describe the Rings of Responsibility as a way to think about how our behavior affects ourselves and others.

  • Identify examples of online responsibilities to others.

Learning Activities: Watch the video lesson Rings of Responsibility. Students will be instructed to think and respond throughout the lesson about their responsibilities, both online and in-person, to themselves, their community, and their world.

Success Criteria: Students are able to answer 3 questions at the end of the lesson.