About Research Students


we expect you to pursue your research interests as a research student.




For applying as a research student, please refer to the application guidelines posted on the academic affairs office's website and prepare the necessary documents accordingly.


If you wish to pursue graduate studies after enrolling as a research student, please refer to the application guidelines listed on the academic affairs office's website and prepare the necessary documents accordingly.


A system to provide advice and cooperation to international students regarding study, research, and daily life.

2.研究生のやること/What Research Students Should Do


After arriving in Japan, participate in laboratory orientation to prepare for the development of research activities.


In preparation for the entrance examination, the student will prepare a research plan to clarify his/her research objectives and plans. This plan will be submitted to your faculty advisor for feedback and revision, and will serve as the basis for your research activities during your period as a research student.


Under the guidance of your supervisor, you will conduct research and report your research progress in a laboratory seminar (or directly to your supervisor).


Depending on the research progress, a progress report summarizing the research progress is submitted to the supervisor at the end of each semester (interim progress report?).


Prepares students to improve their Japanese or English language skills (depending on the program) for life in Japan, entrance examinations and research.

3.試験までのプロセス/Process up tp the examination


Submit an improved version of your research proposal to your academic advisor before applying for the exam.


Based on the submitted research plan, practice your presentation, revise your research plan according to the comments obtained from the faculty member, and submit the final version to your academic advisor as material for your application.