Class-10 - Work Education



Objectives: To acquire knowledge how the Electricity generates in Thermal and Nuclear Power Stations.

Related Information: Several energy sources are used for electricity generations. Electricity is generated from coal, oil, water, wind and solar. The gas is first converted into the mechanical energy before it transformed into electrical energy. The first conversion is carried out by means of steam. Fuel is burned in a boiler and the heat produces steam ;under pressure. The steam is allowed through nozzles in a steam turbine. After expansion, the steam has high speed and it mechanical energy is transferred to turbine shaft, which is caused to rotate at high speed. The shaft finally turns the electromagnet of the generator and the generator changes the mechanical energy into the Electrical energy.

Thermal Power Station:

Since electricity cannot be stored easily, power station work 24 hours a day to produce electricity on demand.

The coal will be dumped into mills where it is dried and grand into fine powder.

It mixed with air and burn at the high temperature.

The boiler itself consist of a large number of tubes in which water is changed to steam by the heat of the furnace.

The steam is further heated to a temperature of 550 degree celsius.

Now the steam enters a cycle where it's used and re-heated. The electricity produced by turbine-driven generators. The high pressure steam drives the turbine, providing the driving force for generator.

Nuclear Power Station:

The fuel for a nuclear reactor is uranium. In a nuclear power station, however, the fussioning of uranium atoms replaces the burning of coal or gas. The heat created by splitting the U-235 atoms is then used to make steam which spins a turbine to drive a generator, producing electricity.



Objective: To understand "How Transformer works?"

Related Information:

When an electric current flows through a wire, it generates a magnetic field or magnetic flux all around it.

When a magnetic field fluctuates around a piece of wire, it generates an electric current in the wire.

if we put a second coil of wire next to the first one, and send a fluctuating electric current into the first coil, we will create an electric current in the second wire.

The closer the two wires are to each other, the greater the induced current will be, for a given current in the first wire.​

If the wires are wound into coils and placed along a common axis ( as in the picture above ), the induced current will be greater than if the wires are straight and parallel.

The first coil, which takes electrical power from the source, is called the primary winding, and the second coil, which gives the desired output voltage, is known as the secondary winding.

We can make electrical energy pass more efficiently from one coil to the other by wrapping them around a soft iron bar (sometimes called a core).



Objective: To understand the wiring of switch board with the various facilities.

Materials Required:

  1. Switch Board.

  2. SP Switches.

  3. 5pin 5Amps Socket.

  4. Indicator.

  5. Fan Regulator.

  6. Bulb holders.

  7. Connecting wire.

  8. 3 Pin Top.

  9. Hylam sheet for practical use / Hard board for Demonstration board.

Tools Required:

  1. Electrician’s blade.

  2. Wire Stripper.

  3. Pliar.

  4. Connector Screw driver.

Related Information :To understand the house wiring, the following are various connection.

a) Multiple switches with multiple loads,

b) Multiple switches and plugs points,

c) Incorporation of fuse,

d) Incorporation of Indicator,

e) Incorporation of regulator,

f) Quiz burger cum light switch board,

Sample Circuit Diagram:


  1. Mount switch boards, fan regulator and all other electrical accessories.

  2. Fix up screws and nuts using connector screw driver and nose plair (if required).

  3. Cut the wires up to the length required and remove the insulation at the ends.

  4. Twists all the stands of the wire, no stand should be separate.

  5. Insert the twisted portion of the wire in to terminal holes of accessories.

  6. Tighten the screws, ensure the proper tightness.

  7. Follow the 3 to 6 steps for each connection as per the circuit diagram.

  8. Ensure the connection correctly before connecting to power supply.


  1. Not to touch any live wire.

  2. Put insulation tape at joints.

  3. Don't leave the assembled Hylam board without fixing to wooden board.



Objectives: To understand how to assembly an electronic Circuit - An example project taken here is a power bank.

Materials Required:

  1. Battery (9V Cell)

  2. Connectors - 9V Snap.

  3. Regulator IC - 7805

  4. Indicator light (an LED)

  5. Limiting Resistor.

  6. USB Female Connector.

  7. Suitable Cabinet.

  8. Mini Printed Circuit Board (base board for connections)


  1. Mount the Components on the base board.

  2. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram using soldering Iron.

  3. Check the connections, solder points should not get shorted.

  4. Use proper sleaves / Insulation tape



AIM: To know the importance of Renewable Resources.


Renewable resource is the is a resource which can be used repeatedly and replaced naturally.

As far as electrical energy is concerned, Renewable energy is, included in the definition is electricity and heat generated from solar, wind, ocean, hydro power, bio fuels and hydrogen derived from renewable resources.


AIM OF THE ACTIVITY: To construct a circuit to run an LED bulb and tube with solar panel


  1. Solar panel.

  2. Charge controller.

  3. Battery.

  4. LED bulb.

  5. LED tube light.




  1. To know magnetic effect of electricity.

  2. To know a the function of a Relay.

Materials Required:

  1. A Relay (6V or 12 V 1 c/o)

  2. Connecting wires.

  3. SP Switch or Push to ON Switch.

  4. 6V or 12 V Battery

  5. 2 pin plug.

  6. Bulb holder (Straight) - 2 no.s

  7. Bulbs (Red and Green)

  8. Related Information:

We know about electro-magnet and magnetic effect of electricity, when a copper coil is wounded on the nail and dc supply is given to the copper coil, the nail acts as a magnet. To see the application of the electromagnet, a function of relay is simple example. A relay consists of copper coil and two fixed contacts and other flexible strip, which moves depends on the status of magnetization of electromagnet. The fixed and movable strips (contacts) will works as a change over switch. Movable strip is acts as pole of changeover switch, other two strips acts as normally closed and normally open contacts of change over switch.

Circuit Diagram:


  1. Make the connections of the relay coil - i.e, connect push to on switch, coil in series and is to be connected to battery holder as per the circuit diagram.

  2. ​Make the pole connection to phase connection of the AC supply(to plug), and neutral to both the lamp holder. and N/O, N/C to other terminal of the lamps. and

  3. Check the connections once again as per the circuit diagram.

  4. Keep the bulbs in to bulb holder. Carefully, connect 2 pin pulg to AC supply.

  5. Operate the switch in the battery circuit and observe the lights connected in the AC circuit.