Trade Schools / Programs

A trade or vocational school is an educational institution geared toward helping students get employment-ready skills and knowledge for particular occupations. Vocational schools are also known by other terms. For example, a technical or vocational school is generally the same as a trade school or career college.

A vocational program is any course of study or practical training offered by a trade school, technical institute, or vocational college that is designed to lead directly to career opportunities in a particular field. Traditionally, vocational programs have focused on areas like construction, manufacturing, automotive service, or cosmetology, etc. 

At a trade school, you learn a combination of hands-on skills and theoretical knowledge directly related to the occupation you want to have. Depending on your intended vocation, you'll learn a range of very specific techniques using industry-relevant equipment in facilities that simulate real-world work settings. You'll also learn about any legal regulations or requirements that apply to your field. You may even get to practice your skills in an actual work setting as part of an included internship or practicum.

Another defining characteristic of many vocational colleges and trade schools is the attention paid to students' everyday lives and diverse backgrounds. For example, unlike a lot of traditional academic institutions, career-driven schools tend to incorporate features like: