Registration and Forms

Required Forms

Student/Parent Agreement

All students must submit an approved Student/Parent Agreement form to participate in Kaunaloa Dual Credit Program to the HS administration building. Scanned copies may be emailed to

An approved Student/Parent Agreement form is required prior to course request submission. Student will not be approved to register without parental consent. 

Requires approval by parents, counselors, and KSH Dean of Studies. 

DOWNLOAD: Kaunaloa Student/Parent Agreement Form

Kamehameha Schools Digital Agreement

This form is intended for students who wish to participate in KS Digital online courses. These course offerings provide students choice, flexibility, and personalization to earn course credits through distance learning with highly qualified Kamehameha Schools (KS) educators or external partners who specialize in digital education.

Students who enroll in online courses will be held to all Kamehameha Schools academic and behavioral standards, and the expectations outlined in this agreement form.

DOWNLOAD: KS Digital Agreement

Course Schedule Change

To enroll in the Kaunaloa Study Hall period, students must meet with their grade counselor to complete a Course Schedule Change to replace a KS elective course with the Kaunaloa Study Hall period. Requires approval by counselors and KSH Dean of Studies.

Please contact your grade counselor for the Course Schedule Change form. 

Modified Schedule Request

Select juniors and seniors may request a modified schedule for later arrival and early release times. Requires approval by parents, counselor, and HS administrator. See Modified Schedule request for complete eligibility criteria. 

DOWNLOAD: Modified Schedule Request Form

Supplemental Questions

Kaunaloa-ASU is open to select students based on availability and NOT guaranteed. All new Kaunaloa students must answer the following questions to be considered for Kaunaloa:

Fall and Spring GOA/Keauākea Registration

Global Online Academy (GOA) Registration

GOA Registration Process

GOA Reminders

Kaunaloa-GOA Email Request Deadline: January 12, 2024

Keauākea Coursera Registration

Keauākea Coursera Registration Process

Keauākea Coursera Reminders

Keauākea Coursera Deadline: January 20, 2024

Summer GOA/Keauākea Registration

Global Online Academy (GOA) Registration

Please contact KSH Kauluhala Summer Academy to register in any summer GOA courses. 

For registration inquiries, please email: