Year 5 Spring Newsletter


First Half Term

Second Half Term


First Half Term

Newspaper reports

Second Half Term

Diary writing through the book Oranges in No Man's Land



Your child will receive spelling homework every Friday. These spellings should be learnt over the week ready for a spelling test the following Friday. Children will also need to write a sentence using each of the words to ensure understanding of the correct spelling words, these are due in every Thursday. 

Reading Record

Your child has been given a reading record which they need to complete x3 weekly using destination reader stems, after at least 15 minutes of reading a day. Please ensure that you read with your child on as many occasions a week as you can. It is the most effective academic help you can provide. 


During French lessons this term, children will be learning dates and about families.


The children will be learning rivers and sustainability.


The children will be continuing to sing, play and compose music to perform together. They will study: 


The children have an RE day at the end of every half term. In Spring, the topics are Peace and Forgiveness.


Children will be lucky enough to take part in bread tasting and making this term! 


Pupils will be learning:

1st Half Term - Basketball & Netball

2nd Half Term - Tennis


Pupils will be learning continuing with healthy eating as well as learning about citizenship.


Pupils will be transferring their coding knowledge by learning HTML, but also programming Microbits!


Pupils will be learning about properties and changes of materials.