K-M Staff Wellness Hub

Tips and Resources for Employees 

Here are some ideas of areas to start: 

The Five Essential Elements of Well-Being

Here at K-M, we want you to take control of your own well-being, and self-development. To help you along way we have put together many resources, tools, and accountability measures. We are so happy you are here, utilizing this site along your journey of wellness progress.  

Professional Learning Resources

Cultivate and Deepen Relationships

Debt, Investing, and Retirement

Intentional Movement, Nutrition, Heart Health, Wellness Markers

Get Involved, Get Invested

Student Wellness Leader

*Josh Larsen, Middle School Principal


Staff Wellness Leader

*Ashley Kaplan, Teaching & Learning Director


Community Wellness Leader

*Jenny Carrier, Community Education Director


Need to speak with one of our district wellness coaches?