A Traveler's Poem

At O'dark thirty we boarded a stage

eager and excited to author in our life book one more page.

Students, teachers and parents began a journey to well-known places

on a bus with many new faces.

We soon arrived at Willis tower

where I watched everyone nervously cower

at heights most unreasonable.

Silently waiting for travelers tomorrow

was a field of battle filled with sorrow.

Strewn across acres of grasses

were the ghosts of soldiers killed in masses.

I could hear the cannons and battle cries

as I thoughtfully consider how each man dies.

The sounds of war will forever be heard

in the bloodied hallowed fields of Gettysburg.

A change of pace was now in order

so we happily crossed from border to border.

After a drive that was driven by Larry

we safely arrived at Harper’s Ferry.

A quaint little town with a treacherous hill,

I would like to go there again but I likely never will.

What's the next great thing I'll see?

According to Dave it's Washington D.C.

Upon sore feet and under oppressive heat

we momentarily passed by stone memorials

immortalized by patriots, politicians and heroes.

Of all the things we had time to see

none was more shocking than what we have done to each other in our costly efforts to remain independent and free.

Our tour guide Sara was well past great,

although persistently concerned with our being late.

She sang and danced and over and over she almost fell...

but I'm sure she could safely guide us on a tour through Hell.

Because of the songs, fun and games

I slowly learned more and more names.

As the trip winds down and comes to an end

I'm growing concerned I'll miss my new friends.

When I stop and consider all I have been able to see, none are more important than the miles traveled with my fellow travelers.

Thank you Sara, Dave and Larry and thank you to my son and everyone for I shall remember this trip till my days are done.


John D.

K-M parent, 2013 KM in DC trip