News & Media Literacy

Students identify credible, trustworthy information sources and reflect on their responsibilities as thoughtful media creators and consumers.

Family Tips:  Help Kids Spot Fake News and Decode Media Messages   Grade K-5    Grades 6 - 12

By the end of 5th grade, our students will understand the following learning targets:

I use online resources to be a continuous learner and determine if resources are reliable. 

I can define "copyright" and explain how it applies to creative work. 

I can give credit for using other people's work.

By the end of 8th grade, our students will understand the following learning targets:

I understand the importance of using a variety of search strategies.

I master new strategies for effective and efficient online searches.

I create and execute a five-step plan for conducting an online search.

I define the terms "copyright," "public domain," and "fair use."

I identify the purpose of the Four Factors of Fair Use.

I apply fair use to real-world examples, making a case for or against it.

I learn reasons that people put false or misleading information on the internet.

I learn criteria for determining the credibility of news.

I practice evaluating the credibility of information I find on the internet.

I define breaking news and understanding why individuals and news outlets want to be the first to report a story.

I analyze breaking news alerts to identify clues of false or incomplete information.

I reflect on the consequences of reacting right away to breaking news alerts.

By the end of 12th grade, our students will understand the following learning targets:

I can examine how Artificial Intelligence and the creation of “Deep Fakes” affects how I view and can trust information.

I can identify the pros and cons of AI/Deep Fakes.

I can explore ways I can protect ourselves from Deep Fakes.

I can explore ways to ensure that the information I am reading or watching is accurate.

I can define confirmation bias and identify why it occurs.

I can explore examples of confirmation bias, particularly related to news and online information.

I can identify strategies for challenging my own confirmation biases.