Excerpt links will be active in the beginning of May.
Klein Oak High School
Orchestra Auditions 2024-2025
Level 1 Audition: (most incoming freshmen)
For those students auditioning to be placed in camerata/concert.
Record 1 (2 or 3 Octave) scales of your choice. Record with a metronome, Tempo set at quarter note= 60-70.
Record 1 (2 or 3 Octave) arpeggios of your choice. Tempo set as above and can be played as triplets.
Record 1 prepared piece or excerpt of your choice. Pick an excerpt or solo that best demonstrates your skills and musicianship.
All materials must be submitted by Friday, May 10, 2024 by 11:59pm. Results will be announced once all submissions have been reviewed. A tentative release date is June 2nd. Submissions should be in one of the following formats: .mp4, .wmv, .avi., and .mov
Level 2 Audition: (for some incoming freshmen all all 10-12 grade students)
For those students auditioning to be considered for freshmen: camerata/symphony orchestra. Upperclassmen philharmonic - chamber orchestras
Record 1 (3 Octave) scales of your choice. Record with a metronome, Tempo set at quarter note= 60-70.
Record 1 (3 Octave) arpeggios of your choice. Same tempo requirements and can be played at triplets.
Record 1 2024-2025 region etude excerpt given in class. Only a steady tempo required not a target tempo at this time.
Etude cut links for 2024-2025 - (These cuts are for this audition only not for region auditions)
All materials must be submitted by Tuesday, May 21, 2024 by 5pm. Results will be announced once all submissions have been reviewed. A tentative release date is June 2nd. Submissions should be in one of the following formats: .mp4, .wmv, .avi., .mov
Or you can try this link: