Our Vision

"Success for Every Child"

Our Student Leaders working with ESF CEO Mrs Belinda Greer, helping to ensure "Success for Every Child" at KJS

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a joyful, supportive and stimulating learning environment where successful learners  achieve through a wide range of learning opportunities and have positive wellbeing. They will learn with an attitude of respect for self, others and the environment and have increasing levels of agency to take action and make a positive difference in the world. Our children will be internationally minded lifelong learners.  

Parents as Partners - Y1 Robot Makers Day

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - Musical Production 

Our Commitment

To achieve our vision of ‘Success for Every Child’, staff at KJS will focus on Achievement, Agency, Respect, Opportunity and Wellbeing (the AAROW’s of Success) supporting and challenging each child to be successful. This means a team at KJS who:

NGOs visit school to work with Y6 children from across ESF

Y1 Sports day - working together

Reflecting on our work in Y1, to find a solution to a problem

Our Values - The Learner Profile

We value the primary years programme, specifically the qualities and characteristics defined in the learner profile:

© Kowloon Junior School, English Schools Foundation