Growth Mindset

At Kowloon Junior School we firmly believe that learning cannot occur unless mistakes are made and unless you believe that your brain can grow and change. We spend time each year talking with the children (at all ages) about how our brain changes and grows when we make mistakes and give them strategies that they can use to enhance and develop a strong sense of self-efficacy. You will find a few resources that we use in our classrooms and a couple of resources for you to explore around the concepts of growth mindset and the importance of mistake making. 

Simply put, a growth mindset is believing that your brain can grow and you can learn many new things. You are not born smart; you become smart.

A fixed mindset is quite the opposite. It is believing that you cannot learn new things. You are born with your knowledge and skills and cannot get smarter.

Our students need to know the power of YET – just because you’re not proficient now, doesn’t mean you won’t be an expert someday.

© Kowloon Junior School, English Schools Foundation