Seroond Schools, Armenia

Seroond Schools believe that everyone in the school ecosystem should embody the Armenian culture and the way of being. The challenges of the context affect every individual. Hence, to realize the vision for learners, it is essential for all involved to harness their strengths and drive change.

Seroond's vision for learners

We envision an Armenian learner being open to different perspectives and redesigning relevant and beneficial solutions in different circumstances. We see individuals being caring to themselves and others, strengthening connections with each other and collectively solving problems around them despite having limited access to resources. Learners need to build resilience, confidence, and an attitude of seeking and creating opportunities to develop themselves and others rooted in the values. This vision for Armenian learners can be realized in schools through the development of the 6C outcomes:

*6C outcomes from The New Pedagogies for Deep Learning have been redefined for the Seroond context

The principles that guide the design of all experiences and spaces are:

How does this influence the change journey for the schools?

Seroond envisions a change journey that is gradual, evidence-based and relevant. The journey is mapped into the following phases:

The philosophy and the essence of Seroond are integrated through each phase of the change journey. The principles and the outcomes act as an anchor for the design of all structures, processes and experiences. Strategic shifts are made across student learning, educator development,  community partnerships. This is also reflected in the leadership support and school operations. 

An overview of the model is depicted below:

How is the model creating shifts in the school ecosystem?

The students are happy and excited to be at school. They are engaged through music, movement, reflection and sharing. They work with each other to deepen their learning and immerse themselves in projects to solve problems around them. This has resulted in significant growth in academic outcomes and life skills. The educators believe in working collaboratively and strive to create a warm, nurturing environment. They research, experiment, and adopt various strategies into their lessons. They take the initiative and offer suggestions and support to progress toward the vision. The caregivers and families share that Seroond positively impacts the children. They participate actively in school activities and provide their time and support to the school.