
Armenia is a country that is known for its rich ancient cultural heritage. It is a region with beautiful landscapes and well-designed settlements. Although the  country's economy is largely based on industrial production and mining of resources, it also preserves local businesses based on arts and crafts. Armenians cherish their community oriented values and believe in togetherness and the power of unity while still valuing diversity. 


Armenians are aged between 20-40 years. Median age: 35.6 years.


Adults wish to move abroad every year to seek job opportunities.


Students are unable to meet the average literacy and numeracy proficiency benchmarks.

*Data from population census, UNICEF, Armenian government surveys.

Challenges that inhibit a thriving life

How does this show up in schools? 

Children often struggle to be present, engage actively, pay attention and retain information. There is a constant fear of uncertainty and difficulty developing trusting relationships. There is instability at a family level, with men finding employment overseas or being enlisted. Motivation to complete their education is low among the youth. The historical oppression generates a sense of apathy and difficulty in taking the initiative and demonstrating ownership. 

To navigate the complexities of the Armenian context, there is a need for the children and the communities to: 

Renewed Purpose of Education

"To bring a sense of safety, honor, and collective dream to the children of Armenia"