Penneshaw School

c.1920 Group of school children and a teacher pictured outside a school building. A pencil cross on the photograph identifies a child in the back row as 'Ethel' [possibly Ethel May NEAVE nee GRIMSHAW 1910-2007]. A note on the verso indicates 'Hog Bay school children'.  SLSA  [B 70882/18] 

Hog Bay School est 1869

1865  At a public meeting of settlers, held at the Post Office, Hog Bay on Friday, January 5 (in consequence of the visit of the Rev. Mr. Kither), to take into consideration the necessity of a public school. Mr. Wm. Walker was voted to the chair. There were present 13 heads of families, represent ing some 30 children under 12 years of age. A subscription list was opened, when £65 was sub scribed towards the building. A resolution was unanimously passed that the Central Board of Education he solicited for aid; also that a requisition be sent to the Commissioner of Crown Lands for a site for the erection of the school, the requisition to be duly signed by the Chairman on behalf of the meeting and forwarded in due course, and that the Chairman be requested, on receipt of replies, to convene another meeting.

Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Saturday 14 January 1865, page 7

1870. The Rev. C. W. Morse reported that Mr. Carter's school at Hog Bay was going on very satisfactorily, the parents of children expressing themselves as much pleased with the progress the children were making. He could bear testimony to Mr. [Stephen] Carter's diligence, and was glad to recommend him for a licence. During his visit a master was appointed by the settlers at Kingscote and Threewell River. This would be about 40 miles from Hog Bay School, and the average attendance expected was from 25 to 30. He urged the necessity there was for these schools being assisted to the utmost extent allowed by the Act, as the settlers, through failure of crops, were not able to do much. He offered his services for the inspection of the schools, in which he took great interest. Mr. Morse's offer to be accepted with thanks, and forms supplied to the teacher at Kingscote.

BOARD OF EDUCATION. (1870, March 8). South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), p. 6.

1870. Hog Bay.—Letter from Rev. C. W. Morse, of Yankalilla, stating that while on a visit to Kangaroo Island he visited Mr. S. Carter's school, and examined it. He found that very satisfactory progress had been made, that the discipline of the school was excellent, and the attendance very regular. The inhabitants were just putting on the roof of the schoolhouse and teacher's residence, which they had recently built. The schoolroom was 27 x 12, and the house 27 x 3.5. He believed that, according to the Board's regulations, they were not entitled to any grant-in aid ; but he ventured to suggest, as the people had done so much to help themselves, and were so few, and suffering in common with the rest of the colony from the depression of the times, that if the Board could make them even a small grant it would be of very great service to the cause of education on the island.

He had also examined Mr. R. Newton's schools at Kingscote and Cygnet River with very satisfactory results. The parents were well pleased with the manner in which the schools were conducted and the quality of the instruction given in them. In consequence of the scattered population at that end of the island, Mr. Newton had to be four days at Kingscote, where there were 19 children to teach, and the remaining two days at Mr. Daw's station, about 13 miles from Kingscote, and there he instructed 11 children. About midway between the two the assistant teacher, Miss Johnstone [Marion Johnson?], kept a branch school. The total number of children altogether on the rolls was 37. He recommended Mr. Newton for a licence from March 15th last, the date when he opened the school, and stated that the branch school was commenced on May 8. He remarked that the settlers of Kingscote intended to erect a school house and teacher's residence, which would, it was hoped, be finished about Christmas. He had to thank the Board, on behalf of the inhabitants of the Island and himself, for the kindness they had shown and the readiness they had displayed in helping that part of the colony, where there were now between 60 and 70 children attending school who were before receiving no instruction. The. Board expressed regret that their regulations prevented them from granting any subsidy towards the. erection of schools that were below the size required, and stated their willingness to grant a licence to Hog Bay and Cygnet River.

BOARD OF EDUCATION. (1870, September 6). The Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), p. 3 Edition: SECOND EDITION..

1872. A favourable report on Mr. [William?] Sealey's  school at Hog Bay was read. It was stated that he intended, with the Board's approval, teaching at American River, Cape Willoughby, and his own school— each two days. Cape Willoughby Lighthouse was 20 miles from Hog Bay, and the average there was 15 pupils. American River was 12 miles distant, and averaged 12 or 14 scholars. Mrs. [Frances?] Sealey would conduct the Hog Bay school in her husband's absence. Mr. and Mrs. Sealey were highly spoken of, and the Board were recommended to favourably consider the proposal. The trustees at Hog Bay notified their willingness to agree with the scheme. The claims of the Lighthousekeepers for assistance in teaching their children were referred to, and a letter containing information as to the requirements, &c, of the district was received from Mr. Sealey. A licence will be granted to Mr. Sealey, his wife being already licensed for Hog Bay

EDUCATION BOARD. (1872, November 26). South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), p. 7.

1873. HOG BAY.—W. Sealey wrote, asking for an increase of stipend for the Hog Bay School, and the half-time school at American River, and Sturt Light. The stipend for the former place was £48 per annum, and now Mrs. Sealey had it the amount was only £40. For the other schools, he received £40, with horse expenses, etc. The increase to Mrs. Sealey and himself jointly was only £30, and travelling expenses had to be deducted. The Board could allow no increase. Dr. Campbell reported that he had recently visited the school at Hog Bay, and examined the children for two hours. The results were generally satisfactory. The school room was in great disrepair, and quite unfit for the accommodation of the children. The Board intimated that they had sanctioned a grant of money for the improvement of the building referred to.

BOARD OF EDUCATION. (1873, June 12). The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), p. 3.

Hog Bay.—J. W. Bussell forwarded plans, &c., of additions and repairs to the schoolroom and master's dwelling at this place on Kangaroo Island. The estimated cost was £85 16s. The Board voted £70, and promised to pay half the extra outlay. 

EDUCATION BOARD. (1873, September 20). Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), p. 11. 

[1875] Francis Sealy asked a grant of £30 to erect a kitchen and bedroom at the Schoolhouse at Hog Bay. A memo, was forwarded through the Marine Board from Wm. Sealy, asking for a grant of books and school materials for the use of scholars at the Sturt Lighthouse. Both communications were referred to the Inspector.

BOARD OF EDUCATION. (1875, March 23). South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), p. 3. 


Sir — I see by your issue of today that a correspondent from Hog Bay bitterly complains of the apathy of parents in not sending their children to school, and considers compulsion the only remedy. In my own case compulsion has already been used too much. Just fancy poor children not being able to eat their breakfast through nervousness and fear of going to school, and then their mother having to drive them to school. I can assure you, Mr. Editor, that all the compulsion your correspondent can bring to bear on me will not cause me to send mine, for I cannot bear to see the poor things wasting away through a fear of going to school. Surely there must be something radically wrong when every body keeps their children away from the school. I think a school shonld be made somewhat attractive to children, not a bugbear. I am, Sir, &c. A HOG BAY FARMER.

EDUCATION ON KANGAROO ISLAND. (1877, April 2).South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), p. 6.

Sir — Under the above heading, in your Register of the 2nd, and the Observer of this day, appears a letter signed "A Hog Bay Farmer," who writes in reply to a correspondent from here on the question of compulsory education for Kangaroo Island. As ' Hog Bay Farmer's' letter contains insinuations against my management, permit me to make a few remarks thereon. I know not of any children who suffer from nervousness and fear, or any poor things wasting away in consequence of travelling to school or being at school. There is only one Hog Bay farmer whose children are from school, and I do not think it is on my account. It cannot be my conduct in school that would frighten a child from its breakfast table, even if his or her behaviour had been so remiss as to anticipate punishment from me, for the correction does not exceed an extra task or the child's banishment to a corner of the room. The children at Hog Bay will learn if the parents will enforce their regular attendance. "A Hog Bay Farmer" would initiate a system of education attended with attractions, probably foreign to the rules and object of the Council of Education; but should he consider any suggestions from him would improve the school management it would be more honourable to forward his views to the proper quarter instead of sending untruthful innuendoes to the news papers anonymously. I am, Sir, &c, FRANCES SEALY, Teacher. Hog Bay School-house, April 21, 1877.

EDUCATION ON KANGAROO ISLAND. (1877, April 30).South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), p. 6.

1878. Frances Sealy, of Hog Bay, Kangaroo Island, tendered her resignation as teacher, owing to failing health, and asked as she had been a teacher at Hog Bay School for six years that the Council would grant her a retiring allowance. Resignation accepted from June 30. The claim for retiring allowance could not be entertained.

COUNCIL OF EDUCATION. (1878, April 16). South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), p. 6.

1893. A good deal of dissatisfaction is being expressed by the settlers at the neglect of the education authorities in not appointing a teacher for the school at Hog Bay. The school is at present closed.

PROVINCIAL NEWS. (1893, April 19). South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), p. 6.

1893  DEPUTATIONS. The Inspector-General of Schools was interviewed on Wednesday morning by Mr. H. K. Downer, M.P., and Mr. Willson (chairman of the Hog Bay District Council), who asked that a school should be provided for the Hog Bay River and Antechamber Bay districts on Kangaroo Island. Mr. Hartley said he would send a teacher to the district at an early date.

Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Thursday 19 January 1893, page 6

1884. A few weeks since a neat little chapel was erected by the Wesleyans and opened for divine worship, which at present is the only chapel on the Island. Hitherto service has occasionally been conducted in a small schoolroom, an original looking structure, erected by the Government, also used for a day school, at which an average attendance of seven or eight is registered whilst there are about 22 names on the roll. The necessity for compulsory education has long since been demonstrated by the very irregular attendance of the children, some of whom attend one or two days in a week, and absent themselves for perhaps two weeks " right off the reel." This, of course, is very unfair as well as discouraging to the teacher. 

NOTES ON KANGAROO ISLAND. (1884, May 2). Yorke's Peninsula Advertiser (SA : 1878 - 1922), p. 3.
Photo courtesy State Library SA, B-46315A group of pupils of Hog Bay School, 6 September 1895.

1917  Mr M. V. Daley transferred from Bookabee, W.C. to Hog Bay School.

BOREE. (1916, December 30). West Coast Sentinel (Streaky Bay, SA : 1912 - 1954), p. 2. GENERAL NEWS. (1916, December 23). West Coast Sentinel (Streaky Bay, SA : 1912 - 1954), p. 2. 

1918. The Minister of Education (Hon. W. H. Harvey) returned from a brief visit to Kangaroo Island on Monday. At Hog Bay the Minister met the school committee in reference to the local school, which greatly needs renovation, and with a view to provide more up-to-date educational facilities, the committee were asked to make enquiries and submit suggestions regarding a site for a new school. The pre-sent site might, with advantage, be utilized for residential purposes.

Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Thursday 19 December 1918, page 6

... My father Wm N. Snelling, taught the Hog Bay School for a period of over six years, leaving there in Jan. 1899 ... - Alex Snelling

War and our Money System. (1940, March 1). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 5.

1899. Mr. Snelling and family are leaving here for Eden Valley today. Mr. Snelling has been here for several years as teacher at Hog Bay School, and during his resi dence has made a host of friends. He has rendered great assistance in Church mat ters, and has held the Bishop's licence as lay reader.— Miss Brown has received the appointment of teacher of the Hog Bay Public School. Miss Brown is well known here, having been itinerant teacher at Cuttle Fish, Antechamber Bay and American Beach, and is highly esteemed.

(1899, January 11). South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), p. 7.

1899. Miss Brown, the energetic little lady who has been appointed to the charge of the Hog Bay State school, took over her new command for the first time last Monday. A picturesque and healthily situated schoolhouse has recently been erected at the port, and there is a teacher's residence attached.

ABOUT MEN AND WOMEN. (1899, January 21). The Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), p. 4.

1904. Mrs B. Stow, Headmistress of Hog Bay State School

(1904, August 13). The Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), p. 1.

1909. Mr T. F. Rice, who has been in charge of the Hog Bay State School for some time past, has been transferred to Kadina. While it must be a source of regret to residents of the Dudley district to lose from their midst one who possesses many estamble qualities which will carry him far in his chosen profession still, parents and children alike will be pleased to know that the shift means promotion. The Courier heartily wishes Mr Rice all possible future success. Mr Kelly is Mr Rice's successor.

PERSONAL. (1909, January 23). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 4.

1910. INSPECTION VISIT. Inspector Martin paid his annual visit to the Hog Bay School yesterday and expressed himself as well satisfied with the progress of the children. He especially made comment on the cleanliness and the happy way children went about their work. During this last quarter no less than eleven children have neglected their opportunities and come short of the required number of days. I would like to impress on parents the duty they owe both to their children and the teacher and send the young ones along regularly, as, at the end of the year, those who come almost every day will be the ones who will be at the top.

District of Dudley. (1910, April 16). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 6.

1914. A farewell social was tendered to Mr S. G. Kelly on Tuesday evening in the Institute Hall, Penneshaw. During the evening two presentations were made. The Methodist Church, at which Mr Kelly acted as organist, presented him with a bible, and his friends at Penneshaw gave him a handsome writing cabinet suitably inscribed. Mr Kelly has been in charge of the Hog Bay School for five years [1909-1914]. The scene of his future labours will be in the North, near Melrose. Mr W. O. M. Wiedenhofer  [William Oswald Murray Weidenhofer] succeeds him. 

DISTRICT OF DUDLEY. (1914, April 9). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 5.

1916. Mr Mugford arrived on Saturday to take charge of the Hog Bay School until a teacher can be appointed permanently.

DISTRICT OF DUDLEY. (1916, May 20). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 5.

1918. The many Island friends of Mr J. P. O'Loughlin, Head Teacher (on leave) of the Hog Bay Public School, will be pleased to learn that he is almost completely recovered from his recent severe illness, and is now resting at his home in Gawler. Mr O'Loughlin will take an extended holiday before resuming his duties in the Hog Bay School.

PERSONAL. (1918, May 4). The Kangaroo Island Courier(Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 2.

Photo courtesy Ralph Giles.

List made of people in photo made by Nina (nee Bateman) Giles 1909-1981)

BACK: Mrs. Buick; Blanche Lashmar (Mierisch); Gladys Stirling (Le Poidevin); Drew Bates; Cynthia Buick (Corby); Daisy Simpson (Simpson); Lil Buick.

NEXT: (towards front) Rachel Bates (Sims) ; Wilf (Wilfred) Neave; Ivy Johnson; Ralph Neave; Rex Buick; Tom (Thomas) Lashmar

NEXT: (towards front) Jean Harry; Owen Willson; Verna Buick (Trethewey); Nina Bateman (Giles); Mr. O’Loughlin (teacher) ;  Winnie Lashmar; Fred Harry; Bill Stirling; Harold Simpson

NEXT: (towards front)( two people in middle) Charlie Simpson and Alice Neave (O’Brien)

NEXT: (towards front)(three people on left and three people on right)  (On left) Evey Buick (Willson); Jessie Tait; Edna Neave (King) (on right) Jean Stirling; Ethel Rumshaw (should this be Grimshaw); Monty Johnson.

FRONT: Les Simpson; Win Bateman (McRae); Charlie Hirst; Phillis Tait; Hettie Buick (Lawrie)

1923. Mr and Mrs McHugh arrived last week to take charge of the Hog Bay School. Mr McHugh is the first married teacher to occupy the new residence and we hope that he and his wife will spend a happy time during their stay on the Island.

DISTRICT NEWS. (1923, October 13). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 2.

1930-1933 Headmaster, Stanley Eric BASHAM

See PENNESHAW. (1933, December 23). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 2. 

BASHAM, Stanley Eric
b. 11 Oct 1901 Hindmarsh Valley, SA
d. 03 Jul 1981 (aged 79) Seven Hill, SA
e. Burial Seven Hill, St Aloysius
e. Occupation BET 1930 & 1933 Headmaster, Penneshaw School
m. McCRACKEN, Irene  19 Dec 1925 Cummins, SA

Children while in K.I. : Thelma Mary BASHAM b. 10 Sep 1926 Tumby Bay, SA; Norma BASHAM.

CHALMERS, George Day  
b. 14 Jan 1902 Unley Park, SA
m. PUCKRIDGE, Jessie E. Alfreda
20 Aug 1927 Port Lincoln, SA
d. 21 Sep 1977
e. Electoral roll BET 1939 & 1943 school teacher, Penneshaw, KI

1934. Mr. Chalmers has been in charge of the Meribah school for the past four years and is being transferred to Penneshaw, Kangaroo Island.

Murray Pioneer and Australian River Record (Renmark, SA : 1913 - 1942), Thursday 4 January 1934, page 8

McCRACKEN, Samuel Raymond
b. ABT 1913
d. 17 Mar 1973
e. Electoral roll 1939 Penneshaw, Kangaroo Island schoolteacher
See also the comprehensive site: Kangaroo Island Community Education for the history of Penneshaw Area School
Whyalla News (SA : 1940 - 1954), Friday 8 December 1950, page 1


Mr. Wachtel has been transferred from Whyalla South School to Penneshaw, Kangaroo Island.